"Red blood cells lose color and oxygenation when you put a drop of the Pfizer vaccine on them" - The health of humanity is in the hands of psychopaths and criminals of the worst kind, but people naively …Más
"Red blood cells lose color and oxygenation when you put a drop of the Pfizer vaccine on them" - The health of humanity is in the hands of psychopaths and criminals of the worst kind, but people naively believe that laboratories, "philanthropists" and governments want to "take care of us" - Related: 1. "THEY ARE KILLING US: The blood of many vaccinated people thickens and… - 2. Las vacunas covid coagulan la sangre, producen trombos y son potencial… - 3. El Dr. Fredy Portillo, médico hondureño, alerta sobre el peligro de tr… - 4. El Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi explica el peligro mortal de las vacunas covid.… - 5. Documento oficial enumera los terribles efectos secundarios de la "vacuna". - 6. "La Dra. Acevedo explica la miocarditis resultante de las 'vacunas' co… - 7. Médico explica la pericarditis y la miocarditis, dos de los tantos efe… - 8. "Pfizer's confidential report reveals dire side effects in its covid v…
ABOUT THE DANGER OF THE COVID VACCINES: 1. "What they hide from us about covid …Más