
[S]ex-Synod: Francis' Homosex Nun Hopes for Change

Francis is laying the groundwork for "change” in the Church’s prohibition of [the mortal sin of] homosexuality in the "long run", his personal friend, the homosexualist Jeannine Gramick told her and Francis' personal friend, the homosexualist James Martin (Outreach.faith, October 31).

Gramick: “My hope is that people won’t be disappointed [in the [s]ex-Synod] because there won’t be concrete changes”.

The purpose of the [s]ex-synod was to “learn how to be a dialogical church”, she believes. Dialogue has become synonymous with "imposing heresy" on the Church.

The homosexualist Gramick has a long history of dissenting from the truth and was silenced by Cardinal Ratzinger in 1999, an order that she ignored, of course without consequence.


la verdad prevalece
Unrepentant homosexuals join Apostate Bergoglio in their rebellion against God. They trample the Law of God and Reject Christ supported by Apostate Bergoglio.
Bergoglio is an anti-pope. He is not a Catholic.
True Mass
Homosexuality has no place in the Catholic Church. Repent and be saved.
Tony M
Bergoglio and his heresies have no place in the Catholic Church!!!
Gramick is saying the quiet part out loud - the Synod on Synodality will not make changes to morals but will open the gates of Hell for any and all changes at the local Synod level in 2025. We are supposed to focus on the discussions so we will miss that having such discussions is heresy. Asserting that the laity can vote on church practice or morality to “suit the local concrete situation” is a …More
Gramick is saying the quiet part out loud - the Synod on Synodality will not make changes to morals but will open the gates of Hell for any and all changes at the local Synod level in 2025. We are supposed to focus on the discussions so we will miss that having such discussions is heresy. Asserting that the laity can vote on church practice or morality to “suit the local concrete situation” is a direct violation of the Cannons of the Council of Trent. The question is what ought the faithful, clergy and laity, do in response?
Jeffrey Ade
This seems to be the natural progression of the Vatican Council 2 with its collaboration by PVI, JPII and BXVI. Really nothing new to see here folks move on! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
John A Cassani
Right. There’s just no pretension toward Catholicism anymore. The Conciliar (c)hurch at its most conciliar.
Everyday for Life Canada
What a total scandal.
Teofil Michalski
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I think it's amazing that this radical heretic homo loving nun wears any form of habit at all. She never did in her younger days. She was a Sister of Notre Dame...and they threw her out for her pro-homo views on the strong demands of of the at the time great CArdinal Joseph Ratzinger for JPII. Then she joined the Sisters of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross in Nerinx, Kentucky. That Order was once …More
I think it's amazing that this radical heretic homo loving nun wears any form of habit at all. She never did in her younger days. She was a Sister of Notre Dame...and they threw her out for her pro-homo views on the strong demands of of the at the time great CArdinal Joseph Ratzinger for JPII. Then she joined the Sisters of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross in Nerinx, Kentucky. That Order was once a very great teaching Order in the Mid-West of the USA up until the early 1970's when they became radicalized and femminist, discarded the habit and now have declined from about 1,400 pre-Vatican II, to their present totals, less than 62 members.
At this rate, wherever will Grammick go/live when her Loreto Order dies out? HAHAHA!!!
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi!! Kenjiro....thanks for your kind message before...always I told you...if I hear about your great Opinions...really happy....naive People are must know about Bergoglio's actions....if, if Bergoglio want Protect to our Orthodox teachings...he must against to all wrong groups..include horrible New Ways Ministry.....I well know...Holy Father Pope John Paul II, Eminence Cardinal …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi!! Kenjiro....thanks for your kind message before...always I told you...if I hear about your great Opinions...really happy....naive People are must know about Bergoglio's actions....if, if Bergoglio want Protect to our Orthodox teachings...he must against to all wrong groups..include horrible New Ways Ministry.....I well know...Holy Father Pope John Paul II, Eminence Cardinal Ratzinger(Leader of Doctrine of faith...after Pope Benedict XVI) Against to New Ways ministry. ...and all Orthodox US Cardinals, Bishops are against too....but Bergoglio support to them?? so horrible...and Now I heard...so many wrong German Dioceses are said....it is possible to blessing about same sex marriage, Transgender....but Vatican don't have any actions...it's means Bergoglio support to them....I feels so angry now....I told you always...really hope my former Archbishop of Seoul...Cardinal Andrew Yeom get to 80 years old(December 5)....Lord please send us to real Pope, Orthodox Pope...but I think it's really hard..be cause Bergolio said...he will visit to Dubai..December 1..until 3....ah....so terrible.....these days...much sad....Good Cardinals get to old....Bergoglio appointed to wrong Cardinals....if this Synod will allow to LGBT Ideologies, indiscrimition Abortion...woman to ordinate....all Cardinals, Bishops are must saying..Bergoglio's resign....and step down to Papacy.....we don't need to this horrible Globalist Old man....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's prayer too..Kenjiro....many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day..