
Francis About To Change Papal Elections: Will Women Elect Next Pope?

Francis is drafting a document to reform the conclave, thus the election of the next pope, RemnantNewspaper.com reports (4 November). He has been meeting for months, sometimes weekly, with the canonist Cardinal Gianfranco Ghirlanda, a Jesuit and enemy of Opus Dei. Francis has not yet definitely approved the ideas. Potential changes are:

• Exclusion of cardinals over the age of 80, already forbidden from voting, from the preparatory phase of the conclave.

• Eliminating the preparatory plenary sessions of Cardinals and establishing small working groups with a discussion leader, similar to the October 2023 synodal assembly.

The electorate would change: Only 75% are Cardinals while the remaining 25% of voters are papally appointed laypeople, including religious sisters.

• The changes are justified with the falsehood of a "return to the early church" - which would be in horror when seeing what is presently happening in Rome.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsHteypjzpnn

Simon North
What I don't understand is that the Churchmen so often applauded on this site (Mueller, Burke, Strickland, Ratzinger, Wojtyla, etc) have all played a roll unfolding this faux ecclesiastical entity throughout the course of the past 70 years (before, during and after the faux Council). The dismantling that will be required when heaven raises up the Pope of the Authentic Restoration will be neither …More
What I don't understand is that the Churchmen so often applauded on this site (Mueller, Burke, Strickland, Ratzinger, Wojtyla, etc) have all played a roll unfolding this faux ecclesiastical entity throughout the course of the past 70 years (before, during and after the faux Council). The dismantling that will be required when heaven raises up the Pope of the Authentic Restoration will be neither respectful nor complimentary to any of them.
Denis Efimov
Until the faithful understand that this is not the Catholic Church, but another organization (the Conciliar-Synodal Church), superimposed on the material and resource base of the Catholic Church, they will remain confused and sometimes in shock. This organization has a faith that is very significantly different from the Catholic Faith in such areas as Theology, Soteriology, Sacramentology, Ecclesiology …More
Until the faithful understand that this is not the Catholic Church, but another organization (the Conciliar-Synodal Church), superimposed on the material and resource base of the Catholic Church, they will remain confused and sometimes in shock. This organization has a faith that is very significantly different from the Catholic Faith in such areas as Theology, Soteriology, Sacramentology, Ecclesiology, Mariology etc.

"It is undeniable that from Vatican II onwards a parallel church was built, superimposed over and diametrically opposed to the true Church of Christ. This parallel church progressively obscured the divine institution founded by Our Lord in order to replace it with a spurious entity, corresponding to the desired universal religion that was first theorized by Masonry" (Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, 9.06.2020).
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
One short comment--- ALL faithful and/or traditional/traditionalist Roman Catholics everywhere in the world would have the duty before God to recognize any "pope" that came from that new rigged system as totally illegitimate.
And any "faithful Catholic" who would instead accept such a new system, basically saying "Yes Holy Father Francis", is braindead.
Francis is staking the deck for a future Pope Francis II.
Everyday for Life Canada
We don’t think that Christ is building on this progressive rock.
Jan Joseph
Paus Franciscus is het graf van de Rooms Katholieke kerk al aan het graven. Paus Franciscus wil het Rooms Katholieke geloof met wortel en al uitroeien. Maar hij vergist zich in de Rooms Katholieken die het Universele Tridentijnse Romeinse Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie belijden, deze groep gelovigen groeit als boerenkool tegen de verdrukking in. Dus het enige wat …More
Paus Franciscus is het graf van de Rooms Katholieke kerk al aan het graven. Paus Franciscus wil het Rooms Katholieke geloof met wortel en al uitroeien. Maar hij vergist zich in de Rooms Katholieken die het Universele Tridentijnse Romeinse Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie belijden, deze groep gelovigen groeit als boerenkool tegen de verdrukking in. Dus het enige wat Paus Franciscus met wortel en al uitroeit is het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie geloof, de Novus Ordo kerk.
Martin R Maria shares this
Papal election
cathcon.blogspot.com/2023/11/pope-opens-door-to-not-only-cardinals.html There is a pathway to this evil via the Synod of Bishops
Oh boy….
English Catholic
Pope Francis Drafting New Document to Reform the Papal Conclave: Pope Francis Drafting New Document to Reform the Papal Conclave
DAVOS in the CATACOMBS: Klaus Schwab’s Secret Vatican Connection: DAVOS in the CATACOMBS: Klaus Schwab’s Secret Vatican Connection
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If this happens, faithful Catholics, Cardinals, Bishops should build our own traditional Catholic Church with our own Pope elected in the traditional manner. I know for a fact for reading websites that there is enough opposition to homo apostate Bergoglio and his people as to allow for this very quickly.
If there is no pushback from the Cardinals themselves, or the bishops, priests,theologians etc …More
If this happens, faithful Catholics, Cardinals, Bishops should build our own traditional Catholic Church with our own Pope elected in the traditional manner. I know for a fact for reading websites that there is enough opposition to homo apostate Bergoglio and his people as to allow for this very quickly.
If there is no pushback from the Cardinals themselves, or the bishops, priests,theologians etc. to Bergoglio's plans, that I would say that there is no more Catholic Church. He has succeeded in destroying it in 10 years.
I would never accept a "new pope" elected in this proposed way.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I totally agree with you!!!!! now...it's much much serious situation...Bergoglio want to so horrible Revolution!!!!! and I heard..our Tradition...even though over 80 years old...if Cardinals have not bad Health....before start Conclave...Cardinals Meeting time...they can possible about their opinion freely...be cause it's Cardinal's Honor...but Bergoglio want destroying to this …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I totally agree with you!!!!! now...it's much much serious situation...Bergoglio want to so horrible Revolution!!!!! and I heard..our Tradition...even though over 80 years old...if Cardinals have not bad Health....before start Conclave...Cardinals Meeting time...they can possible about their opinion freely...be cause it's Cardinal's Honor...but Bergoglio want destroying to this our great Tradition....I heard...this revolution means if Cardinals get to 80 years old...they will can't participate to any meeting....so crazy Idea!!!!! now I checking about Vatican news...they don't ignore to this news....I think it's means they thinking about this situation...ah...I can't explain my feeling now...Bergoglio want destroying to Holy Father Pope John Paul II's doctrine...Universi Dominici Gregis...and we well know...all Orthodox Catholic People well know!!! Only successors to the apostles can elect from among their own the successor to St. Peter!!!! if, if Bergoglio change to Conclave rule....This would end the legitimacy of conclaves and any Pope they elected....so much angry....you are 100% right!! if Bergoglio changing to Conclave rule....we can't follow this type of Pope!!! it is a not any more to Holy Catholic Church!! just so horrible new Religion!!!! and all Orthodox Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Monks..all Orthodox Catholic People are must fight to this crazy old Man....and we must saying about his step down!!!!! we don't need pray for Pope Francis!!! we can't pray for his repentance!!! Devil's King..Lucifer can't come back to us!! Bergoglio is a Same!!! we must pray for Lord please send us real Pope, Orthodox Pope..Fast time...but I think so many Orthodox Catholic People are very naive too...if, I see pray for Pope Francis....feels huge angry!!! so much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's prayer too..Kenjiro....many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!!.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Liam Ronan -My suggestion is better than others who moan and sob and say " just pray, pray " I believe in prayer too, but it's has not helped so far. And just sitting praying and hoping for "better times" while the house burns is a violation of valid judgement. The suggestion I made has already been put forwards by large numbers of faithful Catholic groups around the world.....so it's not just my …More
@Liam Ronan -My suggestion is better than others who moan and sob and say " just pray, pray " I believe in prayer too, but it's has not helped so far. And just sitting praying and hoping for "better times" while the house burns is a violation of valid judgement. The suggestion I made has already been put forwards by large numbers of faithful Catholic groups around the world.....so it's not just my idea.
Catholics who just sit and moan in church and pray and sob for better times, or for some Divine immediate intervention are delusional, and are braindead. Is it better to just let Francis and his homo legion reck the Church, while Catholics just sit and let it happen and which will then be irreversible? I admire those who are advocating a breakaway and the establishment of a traditional Church if Francis and company succeed in their plans. They are taking action to save the Church. While other can just sit in church and mumble their prayers and moan and weep and sob " Save the Church, God". Boo hoo hoo!!!😡😡
Sally Dorman
Mueller said once that “new cardinal Ghirlanda, S.J, as the most important advisor to the Pope in the reform of the curia, holds the view that everything the popes have ever said or done in the history of the Church is a dogma or a law de jure divino.”
Wilma Lopez
Rorate Caeli: "Even if he named a coadjutor for himself and eliminated the next conclave, we wouldn’t be shocked — so anything is possible"