
"Good Samaritans": Francis Praises Looting and Arson

The protests over the death of the drug addict and drug dealer George Floyd remind Francis of the "Good Samaritan," he said in an October 16 video message addressed to leftist Popular Movements.

“The main thing is that, in that protest against this death, there was the Collective Samaritan who is no fool! This movement did not pass by on the other side of the road when it saw the injury to human dignity caused by an abuse of power,” Francis said who instituted a system of power abuse in the Vatican.

The criminal “Black Lives Matter” riots caused in the USA the deaths of 25 people and a $1-2 billion damage including destroying the livelihoods of black business owners.


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Christiannews.net 2015, BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors — a self-described “queer,” artist, author, organizer and college professor who founded the organization with another lesbian and a self-described feminist — acknowledged that the group is led by “trained Marxists.”
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“We make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead,” the BLM site’s “What We Believe” page also outlines. “We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence.”
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LifeSiteNews: These so-called Samaritans, according to (Bergoglio), have been linked to nearly all of the more than 570 riots that raged across 47 states last summer after the George Floyd’s death. Around 30 people, including young children and parents of young children, lost their lives either in those riots or due to the broader unrest.
In a since deleted tweet, prominent BLM spokesman Shaun …More
LifeSiteNews: These so-called Samaritans, according to (Bergoglio), have been linked to nearly all of the more than 570 riots that raged across 47 states last summer after the George Floyd’s death. Around 30 people, including young children and parents of young children, lost their lives either in those riots or due to the broader unrest.
In a since deleted tweet, prominent BLM spokesman Shaun King in June 2020 called for the removal and destruction of “[a]ll murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends.”
“They are a gross form of white supremacy,” King added, saying that images depicting Christ as white were “[c]reated as tools of oppression,” and are now used as “[r]acist propaganda.”
The protests led to the injuries of over 700 police officers and to a record $1-2 billion worth of damages just between May 27 and June 8, 2020.

Not only have the damages been so materially costly, but the principles upon which BLM purports to operate undermine the natural law and stand in stark contrast to the ideals of Catholicism.
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Proverbs 17:15
He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous
are both alike an abomination to the Lord.
Sedevakantistický kanál
Francis is not Catholic, but apostate antipope, see more at vaticancatholic.com. One needs to leave sect of Francis which he leads. Sincerely
Sedevakantistický kanál
I encourage you to see following video: endtimes.video/francis-latin-mass/
I have noticed you share Taylor Marshall, beware, he is blind leading blind. Avoid that heretic.More
I encourage you to see following video: endtimes.video/francis-latin-mass/

I have noticed you share Taylor Marshall, beware, he is blind leading blind. Avoid that heretic.
Facts Not Lies
The original Black Panthers started with racial equality in mind when Marxism took the lead and escalated violence and increased the racial division. It took a long time for acceptance of any new group claiming the goal for racial equality because of it. In short, Marxist behavior is contrary to reaching an agreement and detrimental to any future similar efforts...
It seems they jumped into this …More
The original Black Panthers started with racial equality in mind when Marxism took the lead and escalated violence and increased the racial division. It took a long time for acceptance of any new group claiming the goal for racial equality because of it. In short, Marxist behavior is contrary to reaching an agreement and detrimental to any future similar efforts...

It seems they jumped into this group early ... or actually originated it. I guess it is best for the tyrants to get rid of this group and methodology from the social battle ground early as possible.

I wonder if this person knows that all her finery, hair do, property, and personality would be stripped should Marxism be in place.
la verdad prevalece
Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter!
Isaiah 5:20
P. O'B
The modern Good Samaritan ignored the injured man when he found he he hadn't had the Covid Vaxx.
Facts Not Lies
Don't forget to 'Like' the coward who obviously knows that getting a cold for a few days is far too much to ask. "The injured man probably deserved it ... see he is careless and didn't get his jab" (My dramatization of potential thought process... not a real quote).
I was a volunteer early responder and home care friend (I visited and brought items to) for a problem that was a bit more worrisome …More
Don't forget to 'Like' the coward who obviously knows that getting a cold for a few days is far too much to ask. "The injured man probably deserved it ... see he is careless and didn't get his jab" (My dramatization of potential thought process... not a real quote).

I was a volunteer early responder and home care friend (I visited and brought items to) for a problem that was a bit more worrisome during the early 1980's. Yep, we gave care... improved protocols... gained tools... and carried on. But, we did not get that all so valuable 'Like' for it 😬
Malki Tzedek
Rarely has a parable been so distorted by a pontiff. Apparently, if Francis was on the 're-write' team, the good Samaritan would double-back, terrorize and mug the priest and Levite, take all of their possessions, and go back to reimburse the innkeeper. The Good Equalizer - stirring stuff!
Jan Joseph
De Paus is door de Duivel bezeten.
Franics is the unmarried and ordained version of Biden.
Sedevakantistický kanál
He is not validly ordained. He was "ordained" in the invalid rite of ordination of Paul VI. See more here: vaticancatholic.com/new-rite-of-ordination-invalid/
What we see in Rome is a fulfilment of prophecy, see more here: endtimes.video/apocalypse-now-in-the-vatican/More
He is not validly ordained. He was "ordained" in the invalid rite of ordination of Paul VI. See more here: vaticancatholic.com/new-rite-of-ordination-invalid/

What we see in Rome is a fulfilment of prophecy, see more here: endtimes.video/apocalypse-now-in-the-vatican/
Sedevakantistický kanál
Catholics should also pray daily Holy Rosary, 15 decades each day, if they can and Hail Mary frequently.