
Fitting: Novus Ordo Celebrates Goddess of Death (Pictures)

Sant'Andrea Church in Bergamo, Italy, has erected Aztec altars in honour of "Our Lady of Holy Death” or "Santa Muerte", a Mexican deity derived from Mictecacihuatl, the Aztec demon of death.

Certain homosexual circles regard Santa Muerte as their protector. Her intercession is often invoked during homosex pseudo-marriages in Mexico.

MessaInLatino.it published pictures of the bizarre installation in Sant'Andrea parish, which has been run by Monsignor Fabio Zucchelli since 2013.

The occasion for erecting the pagan altars was an event organised on November 4 as part of the "In Mexico, Death is Living Culture" festival which this year was called "At the Gates of Mictlán."


Philadelphia Trad
And people within my Trad circle of friends get upset with me when I say there’s an anti-church led by an antipope.
Utterly disgraceful
Denis Efimov
Novissima Novus Ordo
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
We have the homosexuals to blame for this. "Certain homosexual circles regard Santa Muerte as their protector. Her intercession is often invoked during homosex pseudo-marriages in Mexico."
Maybe homo Pope Francis and his pal Tucho will set up an altar like this in St.Peter's. Maybe in the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, in which they don't believe. Hmmmmmm.🤪
This is satanism
S. Muerte is a mockery of the Virgin Mary and the worship of a false god.
Aside from what we already know (1 Corinthians 10:20, Galatians 4:8), the worship of S. Muerte and Satanism are way too similar, and In those things, Satan is served under many names: Seth, Lucifer, Moloch, Baphomet etc.
S. Muerte is at least a demon treated as an idol.
The worship of S. Muerte in pictures:More

S. Muerte is a mockery of the Virgin Mary and the worship of a false god.

Aside from what we already know (1 Corinthians 10:20, Galatians 4:8), the worship of S. Muerte and Satanism are way too similar, and In those things, Satan is served under many names: Seth, Lucifer, Moloch, Baphomet etc.

S. Muerte is at least a demon treated as an idol.

The worship of S. Muerte in pictures:
And in one church. Build in pre concilar times. Not casual
😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱