
Shame: Francis Removed Strickland

Effective immediately, Francis removed on November 11 Tyler Bishop Joseph Strickland, 65, Texas. No reason has been given for the move against Strickland.

He is one of the foremost defenders of Catholicism in the USA.

The Vatican bulletin just states in one line that the [merciful] “Francis has relieved Bishop Joseph Strickland from the pastoral governance of Tyler Diocese and appointed Austin Bishop Joe Vásquez as the Apostolic Administrator of the vacated diocese.”

The US Nuncio has before asked Strickland to resign but he declined this request.

Picture: Joseph Strickland, #newsApdvqerbsa

Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Has anyone seen on the news all the anti-Israel protests sweeping the world? One million on Saturday 11/11 in London, 150,000+ on the same day in NYC, close to 500,000 in Washington DC last weekend? If faithful CATHOLICS who love the traditions of our Faith and love and respect GOOD bishops like Bishop Strickland mounted a protest in D.C. against the removal of Bishop Strickland and against Pope …More
Has anyone seen on the news all the anti-Israel protests sweeping the world? One million on Saturday 11/11 in London, 150,000+ on the same day in NYC, close to 500,000 in Washington DC last weekend? If faithful CATHOLICS who love the traditions of our Faith and love and respect GOOD bishops like Bishop Strickland mounted a protest in D.C. against the removal of Bishop Strickland and against Pope Francis and his agenda, and/or if we promoted a gathering in Rome of all faithful Catholic groups to march on St.Peter's Square to demand the end of the tyrannical and heretical reign of Pope Francis and his homo advisors, that would be one step to restore the Church. I would be willing to bet that if given enough planning, we could recruit enough traditional and faiithful Catholics to march on St.Peter's to fill the Square and demand the resignation of Pope Francis, AND ALL THE CARDINALS HE APPOINTED.....so that only those pre-2013 Cardinals could vote for a new Pope.
Pope Francis likes to play games by removing good bishops, and planning tinkering/rigging the next conclave so that only a radical apostate like him gets into the papal throne,? Then we'll play games too. There were a million people who participated in the anti-Israel rally in London 11/11/2023 (yesterday). If planned properly enough and recruited and advertised, I'd bet we could get 1/2 that number in St.Peter's. It would be far MORE EFFECTIVE THAT THOSE IDIOTIC CONFERENCES REMNANT MAGAZINE AND LIFESITE NEWS hosted in Rome during the "synod", when they brought out maybe 200 people to whine about Francis and the Synod. Those people, and their organizations are all hypocrits. They are doing nothing to bring down Pope Francis and company. Just whinning and sobbing on the sidelines. Pray,pray,pray Boo hoo hoo!! But they are doing nothing to put an end to Francis' regime......outing homo or false bishops, outing Tucho ( an actual homo), outing and broadcasting Francis coverup of Rupnik abuses, and all the sex abuses Francis covered up in Argentina...etc.etc.
Good idea! When is the March?!!!
Sandy Barrett shares this
Pope Francis removed Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, from his post Saturday after he refused to resign, according to Galveston-Houston archbishop Cardinal Daniel DiNardo.
Sandy Barrett
There can be a rebellion in Germany by various bishops, who will not be reprimanded, yet +Strickland is removed.
De Profundis
Martyr. Tyrants make martyrs. That's the way they behave.
True Mass
Removed for being Catholic.
the people should protest
Louis IX
How was he removed? Did the Vatican send their police force? 😄
Naomi Arai
Strickland should join the SSPX. God bless Bishop Strickland.
Don't count him out. He didn't loose his priestly faculties. Now he is freer than before to offer Traditional Latin Masses, write and to speak at conferences. He will continue to be a great voice of orthodoxy and support the faithful!
Latin Mass, what is the real reason why they don't want Latin Mass? I pray the Rosary with others, many know Latin and pray the Rosary in Latin. Why such a big deal? Anyone?
English Catholic
I think appearing at the recent Remnant Conference Pope of Mercy Cancels Bishop Strickland (a video of his talk is on that page) may have been the last nail in Bp Strickland's coffin. How dare he offer pastoral care and words of encouragement to traditional Catholics!
Servant Of Divine Mercy
Similarly the same was done to St John The Baptist, this however was done in a different form.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I think Pope Francis and his homo advisors are going to regret this unjust action very, very quickly. They are very stupid if they don't know the enormous tidal wave of opposition and enemies they have just made by this action.
Sally Dorman shares this
The removal of Strickland without any correction while German heretics bless homosexual unions is simply OUTRAGEOUS. This papacy is an unmitigated disaster.
The Pope is abusing his authority. He is not a dictator, he's not a bishop's boss but an Apostolic brother. In the medieval Church, the laity would protest and riot in St. Peter's square and hurl insults at a Pope for acting like this!
Boanerges Boanerges
The false prophet Bergoglio needs to clear all traces of Catholicism from his anti-chirch. Don't worry Strickland is as bishop as he was. Bergoglio has no authority over Catholic Church.
Louis IX
Medieval Romans would have tested his natatorial capabilities by now.
Wilma Lopez
Do you think it's coincidence that Pope Francis removed Bishop Strickland just as the US bishops are heading to Baltimore for their annual meeting?
You can remain as Ordinary of your Diocese if you harbor sodomite pedophile Priests and permit the blasphemous false “blessing” of sodomite couplings, and sanction men as “godmothers” who have mutilated their bodies in the satanic delusion that they are something that they can never be, but apparently you cannot remain Bishop of your Diocese if you are a faithful Shepherd who proclaims and promotes the …More
You can remain as Ordinary of your Diocese if you harbor sodomite pedophile Priests and permit the blasphemous false “blessing” of sodomite couplings, and sanction men as “godmothers” who have mutilated their bodies in the satanic delusion that they are something that they can never be, but apparently you cannot remain Bishop of your Diocese if you are a faithful Shepherd who proclaims and promotes the TRUTH of the Gospel and the unchanging, immutable Doctrine and Dogma of Christ’s Church, and who stands staunchly and uncompromisingly in the resolute defense of the Faith. Such holy men are, in this era of gross darkness, to be unjustly persecuted by lovers of heresy, and purged from the ranks of the episcopate by the vile apostates, who, in their diabolical abominations, now rule in the Vatican, surrounding the See of Peter with their deviant filth and putrid degeneracy; they are the unclean spawn of Lucifer, who, by their foul deeds, are not worthy to even kiss the feet of those innocents whom they scourge. May all of Heaven succor and strengthen the great and noble Bishop Strickland, and uphold him in this hour of his tribulation. A genuine Successor of the Apostles who embodies the highest of their saintly virtues, he is one of the brightest lights left to Holy Mother Church today, set ablaze by the anointing of the Holy Ghost, and given to us as a gift of hope and a pillar of righteousness. May his work and ministry flourish and expand exponentially throughout the whole world, and may his persecutions be the sustenance that waters and nourishes a great harvest in Christ’s Vineyard, bearing the fruit of holiness and the fear of the Lord.
De Profundis
This pope is a petty bully reveling in his power.
What did he say that upset the Pope?!
De Profundis
Catholic truth.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@alexamarie This from your profile site "Please, I am unsure and struggling with the pope as well. But don't make fun of him. He is only human. Pray, Pray, pray for him. He is being attacked the hardest. "
No disrespect intended, but you are REALLY delusional if you say "don't make fun" of Pope Francis, He is only human, pray pray,pray for him" No, Pope Francis IS not a Catholic Pope, he is not even …More
@alexamarie This from your profile site "Please, I am unsure and struggling with the pope as well. But don't make fun of him. He is only human. Pray, Pray, pray for him. He is being attacked the hardest. "
No disrespect intended, but you are REALLY delusional if you say "don't make fun" of Pope Francis, He is only human, pray pray,pray for him" No, Pope Francis IS not a Catholic Pope, he is not even a Catholic. He is an apostate and a heretic. Many including myself see him as the actual anti-Christ beCAUSE EVERYTHING he does, and every decision he makes and every person he appoints is against the teachings and traditions of our Church.
It's nice to pray for "a pope" now and again, in Church or privately, but fervent prayer for Pope Francis for his "conversion" is a violation of valid judgement in the extreme. By his agenda, his actions, and his appointment of advisors (nearly all pro-homosexuals, or active actual homosexuals themseleves such as Tucho Fernandez) shows that no amount of prayer will do any good for Pope Francis. It's like praying for a demon to change its ways.
Lastly, Pope Francis is being attacked and villified JUSTLY. He deserves it because he and his associates are destroying the Catholic Church and it's traditions. He doesn't care about those objecting to him or his agenda. He will do it anyway. I hope this unjust and evil removal of the great Bishop Strickland causes you to see Pope Francis for the evil person that he is...not a victim. To consider Pope Francis a victim is laughable.
You need to change your thinking about Pope Francis. Oppose him more, stand up for Catholic tradition and Bishop Strickland because that is what counts, faithfulness to Catholic tradition and those who defend it, NOT faithfulness or sympathy for those like Pope Francis who are destroying it.
I remember when I posted this. I feel differently now. I don’t how God wants me to react now?! I hear you go to hell if you say bad things about the pope or priest? Yes, I go back and forth. I am afraid … I don’t want to be a heretic either….
Pope is the descendant of Peter. I worry about saying anything now. I disagree with the pope many times. But I am nobody. I miss Pope Benedict , John Paul… I just follow the church. Scary times… loved bishop Strickland , he is the one of the reason I did not take the vax. Thank God!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@alexamarie " I hear you go to hell if you say bad things about the pope or priest? "-
If that is actually true, which is doubtful, it only applies if you say bad things about a good or traditional Pope or priest...not an apostate heretic like Pope Francis or his associates. In Francis case, it is good to condemn him because he is leading millions of souls to ruin, and such a person should be spoken …More
@alexamarie " I hear you go to hell if you say bad things about the pope or priest? "-
If that is actually true, which is doubtful, it only applies if you say bad things about a good or traditional Pope or priest...not an apostate heretic like Pope Francis or his associates. In Francis case, it is good to condemn him because he is leading millions of souls to ruin, and such a person should be spoken badly of and condemned.
A pope is a descendant of Peter only if he acts and teaches like a true Pope. Benedict XVI was the last who did. A Pope is only a descendant of Peter if he keeps faithful to the tradition handed down by previous popes. Pope Francis has not kept the Catholic Faith as handed down by his predecessors, the last being Benedict XVI. Therefore he is not a descendant of Peter but instead by word, deed, and appointees proves himself to be an apostate, heretic, and pro-homosexual intent on destroying the Catholic Faith.
Don't waste any time praying for Pope Francis. He would laugh at you. He is an evil man, intent on one agenda....the creation of a new "synodal" church which has nothing to do with the Catholic Faith.
English Catholic
@alexamarie You wrote 'Pope is the descendant of Peter'. NO Pope is a descendant, i.e. an ancestor. Any true Pope is the successor of Peter, not necessarily related by blood line. You also said 'I worry about saying anything now'. If you're going to make absurd comments like this, then perhaps your concern is justified.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"Be careful of those sharks that frequent the combox and try to bate you with their hooks and extremely provocative insights."--This is good advice to follow only regarding those people who still, after all the heresies, injustices, and tyranical acts of false Pope Francis, these few people still proclaim him as the "Vicar of Christ", "Supreme Pontiff", or give him the tile of "Holy Father". He is …More
"Be careful of those sharks that frequent the combox and try to bate you with their hooks and extremely provocative insights."--This is good advice to follow only regarding those people who still, after all the heresies, injustices, and tyranical acts of false Pope Francis, these few people still proclaim him as the "Vicar of Christ", "Supreme Pontiff", or give him the tile of "Holy Father". He is none of that. Even before his actions of today, he is a pro-homosexual apostate heretic undeserving of any respect or obedience. Pay no attention to anything Pope Francis says or does. He is against the Catholic Church and is an enemy of Catholic tradition and the teachings of the Church. So are his appointed advisors and bishops....nearly all either homosexuals, or pro homo ideologues.

Follow Bishop Strickland in his preaching and teaching, and other great Catholic bishops and Cardinals like Cardinals Burke, Muller, Sarah, Erdo, etc.
Pope Francis by his actions is not a legitimate Pope, so ignore everything he says, now, and in the future. Many good, faithful and traditional Catholics already follow that advice, while the ranks of those who follow and obey Pope Francis is shrinking daily.
English Catholic
@Liam Ronan You may have interpreted @alexamarie 's comment correctly, but others - especially given GTV's nature, where English isn't always a first language for many users - might not have, and people could have been confused/led astray. Language is important and misuse of language has been responsible for many errors. "Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress …More
@Liam Ronan You may have interpreted @alexamarie 's comment correctly, but others - especially given GTV's nature, where English isn't always a first language for many users - might not have, and people could have been confused/led astray. Language is important and misuse of language has been responsible for many errors. "Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it . . . " Pope St. Felix III. I have not accused @alexamarie of being deliberately heretical, but I stand by my position that her comment is badly worded, could cause confusion and is absurd. And when I want to be rebuked by you, as if you were my spiritual director or confessor, I'll contact you. Don't wait for the call.
English Catholic
@Liam Ronan Try not to be so patronising and condescending. I don't consider any GTV users to be 'children', as you appear to. If English isn't their first language, let them comment in their own language - there is the facility to do that. There is also the facility to translate from other languages, as I'm sure you are aware.
Sally Dorman
Bishop Strickland could become a hermit. Or: Crisscrossing the world in numerous conferences and events proclaiming the truth.
Denis Efimov
This is not only a cowardly but also a stupid act by Francis. He thinks that he got rid of an inconvenient opponent, the bishop, when in fact he acquired even greater opposition, a larger number of those who are against.
Sally Dorman
Answer to Francis must be: Seethe, Tyrant!
Jan Joseph
Paus Franciscus wil echt een schisma forceren, er zijn nu echt twee kerken.
May God rebuke Jorge the poofter Bergoglio, he truly is a homo demon.
True Mass
Strickland should not abdicate. Force his hand. Let it play out. Let's see how it unfolds. That's true resistance. .
Tony M
Resisting a heretical antipope is a good & virtuous thing to do.
True Mass
Burke Sarah Muller and the rest. It is time to speak the full truth publicly. God bless Vigano. Please join him.
Card. Muller has recently stated publically that the Pope is a material heretic.
Paul F
The dictator Pope has spoken. No mercy, no dialogue, no 'todos todos todos', no 'who am I to judge', no justification, not any respect for the faithful.
It's just a feudal order, undisguised clericalism at the highest level.
How sneaky, how sad, how unholy!
Padre Benedetto Pagnotto
Patience friends. Bergoglio's time is short, very short. The dividing is there for all to see. The sifting of the flour continues.
Sandy Barrett
Pray for Strickland. He was asked to resign, refused to do so, now the Pope has formally removed him.