
Jesuits Propagates Mutilation of Genitals

Loyola University Chicago, one of the largest "Catholic" universities in the US, founded by the Jesuits in 1870, is offering a course in “transgender medicine", including the amputation of children's …More
Loyola University Chicago, one of the largest "Catholic" universities in the US, founded by the Jesuits in 1870, is offering a course in “transgender medicine", including the amputation of children's genitals (CatholicNewsAgency.com, July 13). The course outline purports to teach “evidence-based" (sic) medical experimentation on gender confused people. It covers the “initiation and maintenance" of hormones for transvestites and the amputation of sexual organs.
Under Cannon Law, a Jesuit is prohibited from being pope, just like a native (as opposed to a natural) born citizen like Obama cannot be president per the Constitution. But, like Our Lady warned, this is the time of lawlessness.
The sooner this bunch is Suppressed again, the better off the whole world will be. Pope Clement XIV had it right.
The next Supreme Pontiff should, on the very first day of his reign, laicize and excommunicate their priests everywhere without exception; banish their entire global leadership to an obscure monastery somewhere and impose a permanent lifelong silence upon them; seize their properties …More
The sooner this bunch is Suppressed again, the better off the whole world will be. Pope Clement XIV had it right.

The next Supreme Pontiff should, on the very first day of his reign, laicize and excommunicate their priests everywhere without exception; banish their entire global leadership to an obscure monastery somewhere and impose a permanent lifelong silence upon them; seize their properties and commandeer all of their assets, confiscate all of their resources throughout the whole world; empty and close down every single one of their schools, universities and institutions, and excoriate their entire teaching and educational branches and apostolates until their voluminous and prodigious heresies have been eradicated and they have been cleansed of abomination and reformed under the strict rule and auspices of another Order, such as the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X; shut down and confiscate all of their churches and remand them into the spiritual care and ownership of the various Ecclesia Dei institutes; and just totally wipe the slate clean of their filth, purging Holy Mother Church completely from the vileness of their contamination. I’m certain Saint Ignatius would approve, given how far and deeply his Society of Jesus has been usurped and possessed by the devil himself.
Credo .
@ Marysrose. Unfortunately The Jesuit's lost the plot way back before Vat. 11.
Pope Francis was indoctrinated by the Jesuit order, so clearly his thinking came from his Jesuit education, and as a consequence, he does'nt possess the wit to recognize heresies himself.
St. Ignatius Loyola, pray for the conversion of Pope Francis; pray for all your Bishops, Priests & religious.
Francis knows what he is doing. Did you know that under Cannon Law a Jesuit is prohibited from being pope? Just like Obama not being eligible to be president because both parents were not born in the U.S. (as per the Constitution). As Mary warned, lawlessness would be rampant.
@Marysrose That is an egregious, bald face LIE. The United States Constitution says no such thing. There is NO provision whatsoever in the Constitution that requires both parents of a presidential candidate to have been born in the United States. You are lying. And even if that were the case, President Obama was BORN in the United States himself. He is a “natural born citizen” and as such, was …More
@Marysrose That is an egregious, bald face LIE. The United States Constitution says no such thing. There is NO provision whatsoever in the Constitution that requires both parents of a presidential candidate to have been born in the United States. You are lying. And even if that were the case, President Obama was BORN in the United States himself. He is a “natural born citizen” and as such, was fully qualified and eligible to run, be elected, and serve as President of our country. Where his parents were born has no Constitutional relevance.
Article II, Section 1, Clause 5:
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
A natural born …More
Article II, Section 1, Clause 5:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

A natural born citizen is one whose parents (both) were born in the U.S. (Native is when the person himself is a citizen, but not one or more parents).

congress.gov/…3692/['requirements', 'for', 'being', 'president']
The Jesuits take an extra vow to do the pope's bidding. That is hijacked into having the Jesuits facilitate Francis' heresies.
The Jesuit order has long betrayed its founder's mission and its past glories. Much of it has become satanic.
A Gerard Francke
NO FATIMA, NO PEACE! Success of tranny Sr. Lucy2 w/male brow ridge and finger ratio emboldened the ancient HIJRA or KADESH tranny cult of the killer mother-goddess, as Malachi Martin's companion name of KAKIA, evil Greek goddess of lust. sisterlucytruth.com HUNGER & THIRST FOR JUSTICE!
Credo .
@ A Gerard Francke. 😬 Do me a favor and take a long walk off a short pier!