
Rimini: Francis Appoints Homosexualist Without Bra

Francis appointed homosexualist Nicolò Anselmi, 61, (aka auxiliary bishop of Genoa) as Bishop of Rimini on 17 November.

The cleric from aristocratic origins became known for playing topless (and without a bra...) football with young men as an auxiliary bishop, and leading "Novus Ordo liturgies" with a stole over a red T-shirt (pictured below).

He took part in homosex agitation vigils but banned a Catholic prayer vigil in reparation for a 2019 homosex propaganda event in Genoa.

MessaInLatino.it informs that he is a rigid opponent of the Roman Rite, and SilereNonPossum.it knows that he is an incompetent administrator, something he has already proven as a priest.

On the other hand: If he were a good man, Francis would never have promoted him.


I'm falling into despair, I just opened GloriaTV and I see the 2,7K views making this the top news...
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I already commented here, but just have to admit that every time I scroll thru this sight looking for new posts, I check them all....and when I see that photo above with big breasts, I feel like throwing up. "Breats" in men from being fat is one thing, but those even look like women's breasts. I wonder....is he a made going "trans" to being a woman...or vice versa? Hmmmm. 🤮
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"a man" going trans to being a woman...." Not "made" Sorry.
🤮 🤮
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Gay guys playing football.
The average placid church going Catholic does not know these things and if you were to show it, they would be angry with you, and not these perverts.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
That's how stupid they are, brainwashed idiots to think that if "the pope" appointed them, then the Bishop is wonderful. The "cult of the Pope", created by JPII and his associates and fans who labeled him even in his lifetime as "Pope John Paul II the Great", are to blame. JPII was great at nothing as Pope.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Is this guy a "Trans"? That.s what he looks like. This photo should be plastered all over Rimini, and Italy, to show the kind of filth Bergoglio appoints. I hope he becomes such a scandal that he steps down before he even steps up 🙏
Degenerates from top to bottom.
Looks like a C cup?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Salvatore Bastatti
How much longer are Catholics going to let this monster live?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Salvatore Bastatti -As much as we all hate Francis and his people, no one wishes hm dead. He'll die soon enough (very soon probably). If the Catholic Church is still Catholic, and a True Church for the True Faith, the Cardinals will see the horrible wreckage of the Francis pontificate in the Church, and elect someone totally the opposite to restore the Church (first and foremost with the complte …More
@Salvatore Bastatti -As much as we all hate Francis and his people, no one wishes hm dead. He'll die soon enough (very soon probably). If the Catholic Church is still Catholic, and a True Church for the True Faith, the Cardinals will see the horrible wreckage of the Francis pontificate in the Church, and elect someone totally the opposite to restore the Church (first and foremost with the complte return of the traditional Roman Rite everywhere). and the expulsion of all those associated with Bergoglio.....also ordering the resignation of all Francis bishops. If they DON'T, and instead elect another Francis (God forbid), then there really is no more Catholic Church and it doesn't matter.
However, if that happens, traditional Catholics, and simply the faithful, should recruit bishops to help build a new Catholic Church, and elect from one of their number a substitute Pope. Even promote the building of a new Vatican and Rome where the Deposit of the Faith is cherished.
This is not an impossible idea. NO CATHOLICS in their right mind, after a conclave which elects another Bergoglio or worse, would want to sit idly by and accept it as "the will of God". That is B.S.