
Cardinal Call-Me-John Showed Up as a Businessman

Secularised Wellington Cardinal Call-Me-John Dew presented himself on October 17 at the Faith-based Institutional Response Hearing at the Royal Commission on Abuse in Care.

Dew who dressed like a businessman took the stage together with an elderly woman whom NZCatholic.org.nz (November 24) identified as “Sister Sue France, RSM” and the layman Paul Flanagan. In the style of Mao's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) they duly made first some self-accusations.

In context with the state’s attack against the seal of confession, Dew declared that, in all his years as a priest, never a sexual abuse was revealed to him during confession.

So-called "victims"/abuse propagandists left the room when they - presumably purposefully - interpreted this statement as if Dew had said that no report of abuse had ever come to his attention.


He wants to be cool with the worldly look, I guess
businessman not as a plummer ?