
Neo-Con Ouellet: “I Am Not Opposed To Married Priests”

Celibacy is "not a dogma" [as if the dogmas were respected in today's Church] and it is "no heresy" [as if heresies were feared in today's Church] to talk about its end. Cardinal Marc Ouellet, the …More
Celibacy is "not a dogma" [as if the dogmas were respected in today's Church] and it is "no heresy" [as if heresies were feared in today's Church] to talk about its end.
Cardinal Marc Ouellet, the prefect of the Congregation of Bishops, said this at the presentation of his book (October 2) on celibacy.
Asked about married priests for the Amazon, Ouellet replied, “I am not opposed but skeptical.” According to him, more deacons and catechists are needed first.
He believes that a "discernment" will be made at the [staged] Amazon Synod.
“We must live the event, in prayer together with the Pope. The Holy Spirit will guide us” - Ouellet mystified.
Picture: Marc Ouellet, © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsOjguqnoylc
If there are problems ,with celibate priests , if they married it will be worst , the church will be dealing with divorced priests married 2 or 3 times ,with kids from different mothers who is paying for all that ,who wants to go to confession to these priests with a bagage ???????
No matter how bad it is, or can get, one needs to hang in there and not leave the Church. You will be greatly rewarded. Think of the ones that you abandon who are left alone to hold down the fort, so to speak, with diminished numbers.
I seriously doubt that these prelates promoting the Married Priesthood are Catholic.
Ever wonder why people leave the Church? Clerics have no faith, no spine, no morals.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Celibacy may not be dogma, but it is GREATER THAN DOGMA, because When God became incarnate HE BECAME A CELIBATE VIRGIN and remained such and REMAINS SUCH FOREVER. Dogmas may pass away because in Heaven there will be no more mysteries. But Christ will be a Virgin and Celibate for all eternity of eternities. So if you want to separate the priesthood from celibacy, Watchout, you are heading in the …More
Celibacy may not be dogma, but it is GREATER THAN DOGMA, because When God became incarnate HE BECAME A CELIBATE VIRGIN and remained such and REMAINS SUCH FOREVER. Dogmas may pass away because in Heaven there will be no more mysteries. But Christ will be a Virgin and Celibate for all eternity of eternities. So if you want to separate the priesthood from celibacy, Watchout, you are heading in the wrong direction!