Gloria.TV News on the 8th of February 2017 Poverty According to the Vatican: René Brülhart, a Swiss lawyer and president of the Vatican’s corruption and laundering watchdog called, “Financial Information …More
Gloria.TV News on the 8th of February 2017

Poverty According to the Vatican: René Brülhart, a Swiss lawyer and president of the Vatican’s corruption and laundering watchdog called, “Financial Information Authority,” receives 450,000 Dollars a year from the Vatican, his direct subordinate, Tommaso di Ruzza, makes 240,000 Dollars.

Money Matters: Edward Pentin has interviewed the general secretary of the German bishops’ conference, Jesuit Father Hans Langendörfer. In the interview Langendörfer claims that it is up to adulterers themselves to decide whether they can receive Holy Communion or not. But when Langendörfer was asked whether the German Catholics should be allowed to decide whether they should pay church tax or not, his answer was: “That is not up to the individual.”

No Discussion: On Sunday, The Times of Malta claimed that Malta Archbishop Scicluna, who promotes Holy Communion for adulterers, has held, “frank discussions” with his priests on this topic. A Maltese priest corrected this claim on marymagdalen.bloogspot.com. Scicluna talked about his heterodox theory but no priest was allowed to say anything in return.

All By Himself: Sandro Magister writes that Pope Francis often bypasses the regular appointment process for bishops, naming bishops all by himself without an in-depth examination. According to Magister this regards especially Argentinean and Italian appointments.
GJA Taylor
So the anti corruption chief gets paid 450k dollars p.a . I wonder what papa francis' PR man is being paid?
I hope and pray that God will give the Vatican and the European governments a clear sign that they must repent. 🙏 🙏 🙏
I dont think whats happening in the Church is what our Lord Jesus Christ ,wants , those that are doing what world wants , will be judge for it . John the Baptist would say REPENT OR ELSE !!!!!!!
.....ah, that would explain not only Latin America, but the appointments to very small Dioceses in the Caribbean too. Disasters, all of them: some are still in the youth of their priesthood, no experience, no loyalty to The Faith and all showmen and 'Career Clerics'. Not one exhibits the odour of holiness.....
Holy Cannoli
MONEY Matters:
More from the interview with Father Hans Langendörfer:
And you’re at risk of excommunication if you don’t pay it (the Church tax)?
Yes. We regard this [non payment], as it always was, as a public withdrawal of Church attendance. You never get rid of the grace of your baptism, and this is very important for every human being. But you can refrain from being an active Catholic and you …More
MONEY Matters:

More from the interview with Father Hans Langendörfer:
And you’re at risk of excommunication if you don’t pay it (the Church tax)?
Yes. We regard this [non payment], as it always was, as a public withdrawal of Church attendance. You never get rid of the grace of your baptism, and this is very important for every human being. But you can refrain from being an active Catholic and you do so if you publicly declare you do not want to be a member of the Church.

But supposing you are a practicing Catholic but don’t want to pay the Church tax because you see the damage it is doing. What do you say to someone like that?
That is not up to the individual.
It seems that in Germany you must go to “the office” and declare you no longer want to pay the exorbitant “Church tax” that is imposed (8-9% of annual income tax) which would then free you from money being automatically withdrawn from your income. In so doing you would simultaneously declare in writing that you don't want to be a Catholic any longer which is the first part of the procedure to free yourself from the tax.

The down side is that according to the avaricious German bishops, this action would AUTOMATICALLY EXCOMMUNICATE YOU FROM THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. You would then theoretically be prohibited from receiving the sacraments (except the last rites before death). No more confession, confirmation, you can't work in the church, become a godparent or take part in parish activities.

Ingenious isn't it? 👌 The ultimate 'pay to play' scheme. I suppose, if you're in a pinch, you could bribe some German priest or bishop to do your wedding, a baptism, funeral etc. 🤫 but you would still be, according to the German bishops, EXCOMMUNICATED. 😡

The German bishops are clearly attempting to stem the flow of Catholics out of the Church (218,000 people in 2014–39,000 more than the previous year) by offering them wiggle room regarding traditional Catholic belief and practice (i.e. communion for adulterers) as thousands of Catholics in “irregular” situations have switched their affiliation on tax forms.

Bottom line – It's all about the MONEY. 😎
Speaking of Lady poverty, lots of people are under the impression that Bergoglio nicknamed himself after Saint Francis. Not true...he actually nicknamed himself after Francis Bernadone, the icon of the 60s children (who like Bergoglio never grew up). Bernadone was a degenerate prior to his conversion. He would have been all for ripping off the faithful