
Gay Loving Cardinal Extols His “Hero” John Paul II

“I grew to love him so much; he was a hero to me, because of his greatness,” Mumbai Cardinal Oswald Gracias said in a homily commemorating the centenary of the birth of John Paul II. (AsiaNews.it, May 18).

Gracias decorated John Paul II with hyperbolic attributes commonly applied to Francis: “full of mercy,” “full of love for the poorest of the poor and marginalised.”

In light of recent events, John Paul II has also “a particular message to us in this Pandemic", Gracias stressed, because “the whole world is in disarray, the economic situation, the social situation, the political situation but Pope has great faith (sic!).”

Gracias is a member of Francis’ Council of Cardinals. This was likely an reward because Gracias was among Francis’ first supporters at the conclave. Gracias wants to abolish priestly celibacy. In October 2015, he urged that the Church “needs” people engaging in homosexual fornication.

Picture: Oswald Gracias, © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsHleldeofqq

So, if a bad man praises you, you are bad, that's the logic, right? Remember, demons called our Lord messiah and Son of God. And Saint Thomas quoted sarracens, enemies of the Faith (Porfiry, Maimonides, etc.), pagans (a great lot of these) and any one: the truth, no matter its origin. So, your logic is spurious and a shame. Stop trying to smear a saint, I will keep calling your attempts... for your …More
So, if a bad man praises you, you are bad, that's the logic, right? Remember, demons called our Lord messiah and Son of God. And Saint Thomas quoted sarracens, enemies of the Faith (Porfiry, Maimonides, etc.), pagans (a great lot of these) and any one: the truth, no matter its origin. So, your logic is spurious and a shame. Stop trying to smear a saint, I will keep calling your attempts... for your own good and that of your readers'...