
Shadow-Boxing: Vatican Document Criticises [German] “Tax On Sacraments”

The Congregation for the Clergy released a July 20 instruction about the parish. It is approved by Francis and claims that the current parish model does “no longer adequately” correspond to the “expectations of the faithful.”

The text is full of Francis buzzwords like “listening to the Spirit," "new signs,” finding “new forms of accompaniment and closeness.” It writes that parishes shouldn't be closed due to lack of priests or money - although this happens all the time and will happen further. The document is aware of this, therefore it says that the grouping [= closing] of parishes is to be decided by the bishop on Francis’ famous “case-by-case basis.”

According to the text, parishes should be led by priests - or not: Laypeople may head a parish when there is an alleged "shortage of priests." However, the title or the function of a parish-priest should not be conferred to these de facto parish-priests. The documents acknowledges that deacons participate in the Sacrament of Holy Orders which would rule out ordaining female deacons.

It wants donations during Mass and for sacraments to be free, not a “price to pay” like a “tax on the Sacraments.” This evidently contradicts the German praxis of excommunicating Catholics who don't pay a church tax.

One wonders why this wishy-washy instruction was produced as it is already clear that nobody, including the German Bishops, will pay any attention to it.


Fr Dan
Sounds like the pay to pray thing only is valid in Germany
Gesù è con noi
Bergogliano's anti-Catholic document is self-referential and exclusively quotes Bergoglio and some post-Vatican II modernist inclusions. Here it is clearly seen that the Bergoglian sect is not the Catholic Church. Bergoglio has caused a complete rift between Vatican II and the pre-Vatican II Catholic Church. There is no continuity Bergoglio has formed a parallel church that goes in the opposite …More
Bergogliano's anti-Catholic document is self-referential and exclusively quotes Bergoglio and some post-Vatican II modernist inclusions. Here it is clearly seen that the Bergoglian sect is not the Catholic Church. Bergoglio has caused a complete rift between Vatican II and the pre-Vatican II Catholic Church. There is no continuity Bergoglio has formed a parallel church that goes in the opposite direction to the Catholic Church.
The anti-Catholic document cites Bergoglio's insult against Catholics faithful to the doctrine of the Catholic Church in his pamphlet Gaudete et exsultate: On Gnosticism and Pelagianism
😡 Bergoglio's insult against the Catholic faithful: “This worldliness can be fuelled in two deeply interrelated ways. One is the attraction of gnosticism, a purely subjective faith whose only interest is a certain experience or a set of ideas and bits of information which are meant to console and enlighten, but which ultimately keep one imprisoned in his or her own thoughts and feelings. The other is the self-absorbed promethean neopelagianism of those who ultimately trust only in their own powers and feel superior to others because they observe certain rules or remain intransigently faithful to a particular Catholic style from the past”. Evangelii Gaudium, n. 94: AAS 105 (2013), 1059-1060; cf. also Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Letter Placuit Deo (22 February 2018): AAS 110 (2018), 429.
The new instruction cautions priests not to “commercialize” the sacraments by charging fees & it stipulates that financial difficulties within a diocese are not a legitimate reason for closing down parishes
Fr Dan
As a pastor for almost 3p years I 100% agree on the point about not charging for Sacraments. No pastor should have set fees for Sacraments
Fr Dan
That's 30 years
Thank you for that sign. As a sidewalk counselor of many years, and seeing only very few people stand up for life out near the abortion mills, I often think of this quote. “Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.” Also, these last few years I often ponder this quote by Pope St. Pius X, “All the strength of satan’s reign is due to the easy going weakness of Catholics.”