Benedict XVI on the question of whether Summorum Pontificum was just a concession to the SSPX: "That is simply absolutely wrong! It was important to me that the Church is inwardly united with herself,…More
Benedict XVI on the question of whether Summorum Pontificum was just a concession to the SSPX: "That is simply absolutely wrong! It was important to me that the Church is inwardly united with herself, with her own past; that what she once held sacred is not somehow wrong now."
"Benedict XVI on the question of whether Summorum Pontificum was just a concession to the SSPX: That is simply absolutely wrong! "
That is correct. How could be Summorum Pontificum a concession for SSPX that had been ignoring for years the Novus Ordo (or the ordinary form as Ratzinger wanted it in SP) and indult games?
Sean Johnson
His biographer (+Ganswein) said his purpose was to draw people away from +Lefebvre. Nuf said.
Faith In The Ruins
This is true. However, we must remember that philosophically BXVI was very Hegelian. The move was nit to restore the Mass but for "mutual enrichment" in hopes a new liturgy could form from the Mass of Ages and the Novus Ordo.