
Europe Faces Demographic Collapse

“Unless something is done rapidly, Europe risks a total demographic collapse” according to Antoine Renard, president of the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Brussels. [It is already clear …More
“Unless something is done rapidly, Europe risks a total demographic collapse” according to Antoine Renard, president of the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Brussels.
[It is already clear that the reigning cross-party anti-family ideology will not allow measures to be taken.]
Talking to Catholic News Service (April 19), Renard calls for a political support to start families. Governments need to “put the family at the centre of national policies.”
The European Union had 1.58 live births per woman in 2015. The replacement level would be around 2.1 births per woman.
Failed politicians like Angela Merkel try to cover the disastrous results of their family policies by stealing people from the third world, depriving these countries of their youth and creating a demographic catastrophe also there.
Picture: © myri_bonnie, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsBadleqaodp
Maudie N Mandeville
The 'Barren Frau' Angela Merkel has no children. British prime minister Theresa May has no children. Macron of France and Italian prime minister Paolo Gentiloni have no children. Holland’s Mark Rutte, a bachelor who holidays with his mother, has no children. Sweden’s Stefan Loumlfven has no children. Luxembourg’s Xavier Bettel has no children. Scotland’s Nicola Sturgeon has no children. Jean-Claude …More
The 'Barren Frau' Angela Merkel has no children. British prime minister Theresa May has no children. Macron of France and Italian prime minister Paolo Gentiloni have no children. Holland’s Mark Rutte, a bachelor who holidays with his mother, has no children. Sweden’s Stefan Loumlfven has no children. Luxembourg’s Xavier Bettel has no children. Scotland’s Nicola Sturgeon has no children. Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, has no children. Sebastian Kurz, chancellor of Austria, has no children with his ‘domestic partner’.
Indeed, I love my dog.. but you see people pushing a baby carriage.. thinking it is a baby... but to find a dog. Sad Times. People treat dogs better than humans!
Perfect photo for this reality we are living...