
Novus Ordo Star Composer: How Source of Mockery, Jokes Is Turned into “Abuse” Drama

Spanish Prelate Cesáreo Gabaráin who died of cancer at age 55 in 1991, was a star composer of shallow Novus Ordo songs of which he wrote about 500. His most popular hit was “Pescador de hombres” (…More
Spanish Prelate Cesáreo Gabaráin who died of cancer at age 55 in 1991, was a star composer of shallow Novus Ordo songs of which he wrote about 500.
His most popular hit was “Pescador de hombres” (Fisher of Men) which was translated into over 80 languages, the favourite song of John Paul II who made Gabaráin a personal prelate.
Another of Gabaráin’s NO hits was Juntos como hermanos (“Brothers come together”).
Now, Spains oligarch media – which couldn’t care less about similar misdeads committed by one of their own - make a big fuss about “credible reports” that Gabaráin “abused” some young men by touching them when he was a chaplain at Colegio Marista in Chamberí.
However, these facts were well known all along. Gabaráin was fired from the Marist brothers in 1978 because of them. His habit to touch students in his office was among them a “source of mockery and jokes,” ElPais.com (August 17) writes. Decades later, his groping is turned in to a big drama – for the sake of financial …More
Dr Bobus
Shallow Novus Ordo songs is redundant.