Archbishop Aguer: Pope Francis' Vatican has 'adopted the ideology of the French Revolution' - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — “Pope summons 30 Nobel Prize winners to reflect on fraternity,” reads a World …
Dr Bobus
Francis was educated when the Jesuits had rejected the Neo scholasticism of Suarez. Instead of learning how to find Truth, those studying for the priesthood were taught that it couldn't be found.
There were few who rejected the SJ fog of Existentialism and survived to ordination. Many of those who did, like Paul Mankowski, were harassed by Jesuit leadership most of their livesMore
Francis was educated when the Jesuits had rejected the Neo scholasticism of Suarez. Instead of learning how to find Truth, those studying for the priesthood were taught that it couldn't be found.

There were few who rejected the SJ fog of Existentialism and survived to ordination. Many of those who did, like Paul Mankowski, were harassed by Jesuit leadership most of their lives
Catholics are adopted children of God, modernists look for an adoption elsewhere.
Ivan Tomas
Raised in it.
Indoctrinated by it completely.
Dr Bobus
Not adopted but surrended to.
Ivan Tomas
Bergoglio adopted it 50 years ago, at least.
He is last 11 years pushing it in order to his globohomo NewBabilonian chiefs.