
Cardinal Schönborn: Christ Helps Us to Become Disciples of Schellnhuber

Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, 74, told Corriere.it (October 25) that he has been reading the prophet Jeremia.

"We're going straight to disaster, convert, change your lives, there's still time - but they didn't believe him," he summarises. Schönborn doesn’t apply this to the doomed Francis Church but to climate alarmism.

He was convinced by “the experts” and names the German climate alarmist Hans Schellnhuber, 69, who even performed at the Pachamama Synod. Despite having no competence in the field, Schönborn calls Schellnhuber “the great climatologist.”

Because of Schellnhubers “dramatic call” the word “conversion” is the red thread in the Synod’s final document, Schönborn discloses.

However, this is not a Christian but an “ecological,” “cultural,” “social,” and “pastoral” conversion.

“Pastoral conversion” is needed, Schönborn reveals, because some Synod delegates didn’t believe in Schellnhuber.

This “pastoral conversion” gives us the “power of the Gospel,” Schönborn explains, otherwise “we won't have the strength to change our lives” - in order to believe the infallible dogmas of Schellenhuber who is a non-believer.

Picture: Christoph Schönborn, © Mazur, CC BY-SA, #newsKovqvwjtbz