
Was the Retrieval Of The Pachamamas Staged?

Italian police published on October 26 pictures of three Pachamamas (below), which they had allegedly found in the Tiber. All of them were undamaged although they spent several days in the water.

Interestingly, one of the statuettes is only half of the size of the other two. It seems not to appear in the famous video documenting the removal of the Pachamamas from Santa Maria in Traspontina.

The illustration above shows pictures of the five statues shortly after their removal. They are numbered 1 to 5 which indicates the order in which they were thrown into the Tiber.

Pachamama 1 was disposed of right away. Only this idol could have been smaller than the rest, since it stands alone and its size cannot be compared with the other Pachamamas.

Yet, the proportion between the thumb holding it and its red belly is about 1:5, and a similar proportion is visible between same thumb and Pachamama 2, which unequivocally has the same size as Pachamamas 3 and 5.

This seems to indicate that Pachamama 1 was not smaller than the rest.

Pachamama 4 is black. It cannot be seen in the police station. The presence of black Pachamamas in Santa Maria in Traspontina is well documented (see photo in circle).

So, the question is: Were the Pachamamas, found by the police, also those Pachamamas that were thrown into the Tiber?

Only the heroes who removed them from the church can give a credible answer. They would be believed, unlike the Vatican's spin doctors, the Italian police or Francis himself.


They’re mass produced tourist kitch, so getting more is never a problem.
Gesù è con noi
There are two smaller and three large pachamamas but the small pachamama that is next to the black one is too small compared to the other three seen in the video. www.youtube.com/watch
Gesù è con noi
That little pachamama has a seal on the foot that the little Pachamama in the video doesn't have.
Gesù è con noi
The other three pachamamas have more or less the same size faces and in the police photo we see three pachamamas of different sizes.
One more comment from Gesù è con noi
Gesù è con noi
The pachamamas allegedly found do not correspond to those thrown into the river.
Likely PF had a job lot of them.
If you look earlier in video there are 3 the same size.
Also pacha 5 has no extension to the back on its base unlike all the others in the police video. So 1, 2 and 3 are the only options that could correspond to the idols in police possession. 2 of the polices are on wire mount for the feet. Pacha 2 and 3 have no wire mount in the video.
Gesù è con noi
Police video? Where is the police video??