
Italian Police Confirms: Pachamama Idols Were "Used For Prayer”

In a highly embarrassing move, VaticanNews.va (October 25) published the communiqué of the Carabinieri of Roma San Pietro who recovered the three Pachamama idols who were disposed off in the Tiber.

The communiqué explains that the three idols had been "removed from a side altar" of Santa Maria in Traspontina church "where they were used for prayer by the 'Itinerant Team'."

The text describes them as "a Catholic group based in South America that takes part in the Synod on the Amazon."

According to Cruxnow.com (October 19) the group bought its idols years ago at an artisan’s market in Manaus, Brazil, and uses them since.

Gesù è con noi
The pachamamas that they falsely claim they found are not the same as those the Cristeros thrown away.
Utterly disgusting what goes on in churches, and The Church, today.
Francis bought new ones from Amazon.com
vatican deceivers
These pachas do not appear to have the same dimensions as the ones tossed into the Tiber as can be plainly seen from the video of their dive. There were 5 thrown, one looked black and all of uniform size as far as I can see.
I suppose one might have shrunk in the wash - made in China that one. 🥴
They have mouths but say nothing, have eyes but see nothing, have ears but hear nothing, and they have no breath in their mouths. Their makers will end up like them, everyone who relies on them. (Ps 135:16-18)
Whatever the outcome, our Roman Maccabees accomplished one thing imo: they forced Bergoglio to expose that he has a lot of these idols ready to roll out.
Yes. Engage. Engage. Engage. Flush Bergoglio out as the Antipope and Apostate that he is. And probable False Prophet Forerunner of the AntiChrist.