
Fernández: “I Am Not A Soros Spy”

“I am not a Freemason, nor an ally of the New World Order, nor a Soros spy infiltrated in the Church,” Archbishop Fernández, Francis’ destroyer of the Faith, told CruxNow.com (July 7). The homosexualist …More
“I am not a Freemason, nor an ally of the New World Order, nor a Soros spy infiltrated in the Church,” Archbishop Fernández, Francis’ destroyer of the Faith, told CruxNow.com (July 7).
The homosexualist protests that “I try to be an honest person, I go to confession often, I love the Church and its teachings, most of my writings are about spirituality and prayer" [except when he writes poems about homosexual kissings].
Catholics should “have confidence” and “look elsewhere for enemies of the Faith”. However, this conciliatory speech quickly turns into aggression, "There are also minorities that can be inclined to fanaticism, to hatred, and this leads to a partial view that only seeks the dark side of enemies", Fernández rages.
He announces that he will not take disciplinary action against “wayward” theologians, which means that he will promote them.
On the other hand, he will enforce the wayward Francis' party line and ensure that all Vatican departments are "in line" with what he calls …More
la verdad prevalece
Pedro Lima, a former Jesuit from Bolivia said: "I was expelled from the order when I denounced the sexual abuse" Fernández accused of the crime of covering up child sexual abuse justifies himself while Bergoglio has persecuted several priests like Father Frank Pavone without the right to appeal. In Argentina Bergoglio eliminated the majority of the priests who denounced the priests who committed …More
Pedro Lima, a former Jesuit from Bolivia said: "I was expelled from the order when I denounced the sexual abuse" Fernández accused of the crime of covering up child sexual abuse justifies himself while Bergoglio has persecuted several priests like Father Frank Pavone without the right to appeal. In Argentina Bergoglio eliminated the majority of the priests who denounced the priests who committed sexual abuse.Here in the forum there was an Argentine priest whose account was closed by the Hispanic moderator because he denounced Bergoglio from the beginning. Father Blanco said to protect the altar boys who were being sexually abused. He also said that he was left without a parish because he denounced the pedophile priests in Argentina. And he has had to dedicate himself to practicing chiropractic to survive financially.

RORATE CÆLI: The Horror!A Buenos Aires journalist describes Bergoglio (rorate-caeli.blogspot.com)
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
His term won't last long. Bergoglio will be gone soon, there will be a new Pope, and Tucho the "Kissing Bishop" will be out of a job...and told to get out of town like Ganswein was told.
Methinks he doth protest too much... 🤪
Jason l
This guy will say he won't change dogma/doctrine, BUT this is how we do things now.....a lie.
Of course not. He reports to Satan directly.