
Covid Tyranny: Popular Anger Boils Over (Video). By Dr Geoffrey Brushwood

There were many protests throughout the UK yesterday, in major cities, against the government proposed mandatory vaccination of healthcare staff, including one’s who test positive for Covid-19 antibodies, and are naturally immune to the virus, having contracted it in the line of duty.

The majority of National Health Service (NHS) in England, including staff who have already taken all doses and boosters of the vaccine, are against making the Covid vaccines mandatory for their fellow unvaccinated colleagues, with or without medical exemptions.

They site scientific evidence which show that current vaccines do not reduce infection transmission, nor avoid risk of hospital admission.

Whilst data gathered in the UK, Denmark and Norway suggest that there is a higher percentage of vaccinated patients in hospitals than unvaccinated.

The classic argument that healthcare workers in the NHS, including medical and nursing students, already have mandatory vaccines such as Hepatitis B vaccine, as a condition of employment in clinical placements, does not hold forth for the Covid - 19 vaccines.

Whereas Hepatitis B causes significant harm to those infected, specially to younger patients; contracting Covid-19 has very little impact on fit and well healthcare workers.

Furthermore, as mentioned previously, the current Covid-19 vaccines fail to provide sufficient immunity, nor reduce transmission, whilst enduring many unacceptable side effects.

However, Hepatitis B vaccines have been tried and tested and proven to be efficient with minimal side effects in comparison to the benefits they offer.

Other detractors of unvaccinated NHS staff claim that they place patient’s lives at risk, by not having the vaccine. This fallacy contradicts the Hippocratic oath, which Doctors qualifying from UK medical schools, proclaim, of primum non nocere.

Whereby, giving Covid-19 vaccines to healthy people can cause a myriad amount of unwanted side effects and long term harm.

The protest in London marched from the BBC headquarters in Portland place to its masters at the Houses of Parliament. It stopped on the steps of Trafalgar Square, where NHS staff laid down their uniforms with messages written on them.

Whilst Lord Nelson overlooked them from his lonely plinth

It stopped at the gates of Downing Street, with many chanting Boris to let them into the garden, as they had brought their own booze to a party.

The protest marched past the Cenotaph, the site where on Remembrance Sunday, wreaths of flowers are laid down for heroes of the Nation who sacrificed their lives for our freedom from tyranny.


Although there was a vociferous presence of Hare Krishna devotees in the March against mandatory vaccines for healthcare workers, the Catholic Bishops were unusually quiet.
Yes where are the catholic shepherds ,?did they drink the Kool aid of the secular globalists ?
Hound of Heaven
If our leaders don't act like shepherds, we certainly shouldn't act like sheep.
The Catholic bishops have been too busy promoting products developed or tested on the human remains of abortion, acting as drug pushers to young children in "Catholic" schools and denying the faithful the sacraments. They are a disgrace. At the protest I attended yesterday there were a couple of protestant preachers speaking on teachings from Revelation and Colossians. The crowd also, almost …More
The Catholic bishops have been too busy promoting products developed or tested on the human remains of abortion, acting as drug pushers to young children in "Catholic" schools and denying the faithful the sacraments. They are a disgrace. At the protest I attended yesterday there were a couple of protestant preachers speaking on teachings from Revelation and Colossians. The crowd also, almost unanimously, joined in the Lord's Prayer - quite something here in post-Christian Britain. Our bishops are useless.
Why isn,t the Vatican supporting people's anti mandate and human rights of the people where is the clergy ?
Jeffrey Ade
Sorry to say but the vatican is firmly in communist control. Same with the bishops!
atreverse pensar
The modernist clergy, shamefully silent in support of the powerful.