
Homosex "Blessings" Will Be Punished - Melkite Bishop

In response to Francis' homosexual fantasies contained in "Fiducia Supplicans", Melkite Catholic Bishop François Beyrouti, 52, of Newton, USA, wrote a "Statement on weddings and blessings" to his clergy on 20 December.

Referring to the infallible biblical teaching on the relationship between man and woman, and the liturgical and pastoral practice on marriage that follows from it, he said:

"If there is a request [for a priest] to attend or perform a blessing or ceremony either inside or outside a church, it can only be done with my prior written permission. Disregard of this prescription will result in canonical penalties".


Novena - Oremus
That last line... gold!
English Catholic
In the ecclesiastically approved apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success, Quito, Ecuador, the seer Ven. Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres was told this by God:
"I Shall Punish Heresy, Blasphemy and Impurity" so being as these 'blessings' are heretical, blasphemous and impure, I would strongly urge any clergy considering doing these 'blessings' (or those laity wanting to receive them) to carefully take …More
In the ecclesiastically approved apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success, Quito, Ecuador, the seer Ven. Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres was told this by God:

"I Shall Punish Heresy, Blasphemy and Impurity" so being as these 'blessings' are heretical, blasphemous and impure, I would strongly urge any clergy considering doing these 'blessings' (or those laity wanting to receive them) to carefully take heed of God's warning.

Videos of Our Lady of Good Success:
Part One: PART 1 - Our Lady of Good Success: Our Hope for the Future
Part Two: PART 2 - Our Lady of Good Success: Our Hope for the Future
Part Three: PART 3 - Our Lady of Good Success: Our Hope for the Future
Jeffrey Ade
Thank you for the important and informative links! Holy Christmas! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
His Excellency should have forbidden his Priests from pronouncing Blessings upon so-called “same-sex couples” outright and without question, at all times and under any circumstances.
Lisi Sterndorfer
The 2021 document "declares illicit any form of blessing that tends to acknowledge their unions as such." Even to acknowledge the union, much less bless it, is ruled out. But to bless a couple as a couple is precisely to acknowledge the union. Face the reality that the new document contradicts the 2021 document