
Bergoglio's Method is "Dissimulation" - Argentinian Archbishop

The Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith has become a Dicastery of confusion, wrote Archbishop Héctor Aguer, 80, formerly in La Plata, on December 23.

He calls it "scandalous" that Tucho contradicts what two years ago the very same Dicastery affirmed with a document signed by Cardinal Ladaria [which gives the statements of the dicastery the authority of a weather forecast].

In Ladaria's statement it was said that a homosexual couple cannot be blessed because God cannot bless sin. “That is the truth”, comments Aguer.

His key phrase: "Fiducia supplicans lets us see where chapter 8 of the apostolic exhortation ‘Amoris Laetitia’ was pointing, where it was discreetly said that people living in these irregular situations can sometimes receive the sacraments. It was a beginning that is now revealed in its full dimension."

This is a consequence of Francis’ method, “which is dissimulation”, concludes Aguer.
