
Twisting Words: Fernández Justifies Again The "Blessing" Of Sin

In yet another interview, this time for the anti-Catholic ReligionDigital.org (24 December), Cardinal Tucho Fernández manipulates his audience into believing in his "blessing" of sins. Quotations.

- "Francis understands very well this theme of popular blessings, non-ritual, which are a rich resource of popular pastoral care, a way of being close to all situations." Catholic Faith: A "popular blessing" [as opposed to a "ritual" blessing] does not exist. A blessing is a blessing.

- "In 2021 it was said [by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith] that only individuals could be blessed individually. Here it is said that in reality the two can be blessed together, because this kind of pastoral blessing, which is not ritual, is not intended to validate anything". Catholic Faith: A blessing that "is not intended to validate anything" is not a blessing.

- "The text never speaks of blessing 'the union' [of two people], which is excluded on the basis of the traditional teaching of the Church, but it blesses the two people who are in a couple, and it prays for the couple, its health, work, patience, and that they may live with ever greater fidelity to the Gospel". Catholic Faith: "Union" and "couple" are synonymous. Blessing "the union" and blessing "a couple" is the same thing.

- "The declaration says ad nauseam that there is only one marriage (male-female, indissoluble, etc.). It says that this is the only proper context for sexual relations. It says to avoid ritualised blessings which could be confusing. It seems strange to me that such a classic text could be misinterpreted". Catholic Faith: The fact that there is only one marriage is at least superficially undisputed. The scandal is that Francis/Fernández want to "bless" homosexual sins.

Picture: Tucho Fernández © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsCxsiyjditu

la verdad prevalece
Within those perverse relationships that are cunningly and maliciously called "irregular" instead of sinful, there is also room for 'couples' of Satanists, incestuous relationships, pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia. And why do they have to be couples? Since "irregular" relationships can also include polygamous relationships, even drug gangs can come to receive these satanic pseudo-blessings since …More
Within those perverse relationships that are cunningly and maliciously called "irregular" instead of sinful, there is also room for 'couples' of Satanists, incestuous relationships, pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia. And why do they have to be couples? Since "irregular" relationships can also include polygamous relationships, even drug gangs can come to receive these satanic pseudo-blessings since there is room for all kinds of unimaginable and abominable perversions. That is why in the Apocalypse it is said that we must leave the anti-church that is distinguished by all its perversions and abominations so as not to become its accomplices and that is why it is called the Whore of Babylon.
Modern day modernists have wrapped themselves in the Novus Ordo. Lets get rid of it and them.
Fr Gordon J MacRae
Jesus freed people from their demons. He did not bless the demons on their way out.
Everyday for Life Canada
This line from Shakespeare is appropriate, “The devil can cite scripture for his purpose.”
All Saints
A Blessed and Merry Christmas to you, Father.
Sandy Barrett
Pope St. Pius X: “In their writings and addresses [Modernists] seem not unfrequently to advocate doctrines which are contrary one to the other, so that one would be disposed to regard their attitude as double and doubtful. But this is done deliberately and advisedly... Thus in their books one finds some things which might well be approved by a Catholic, but on turning over the page one is confronted …More
Pope St. Pius X: “In their writings and addresses [Modernists] seem not unfrequently to advocate doctrines which are contrary one to the other, so that one would be disposed to regard their attitude as double and doubtful. But this is done deliberately and advisedly... Thus in their books one finds some things which might well be approved by a Catholic, but on turning over the page one is confronted by other things which might well have been dictated by a rationalist… To maintain and defend [their] theories they do not hesitate to declare that the noblest homage that can be paid to the Infinite is to make it the object of contradictory statements! But when they justify even contradictions, what is it that they will refuse to justify?... Against scholastic philosophy and theology they use the weapons of ridicule and contempt. Whether it is ignorance or fear, or both, that inspires this conduct in them, certain it is that the passion for novelty is always united in them with hatred of scholasticism, and there is no surer sign that a man is tending to Modernism than when he begins to show his dislike for the scholastic method” (Pascendi Dominici Gregis)
English Catholic
The embodiment of the diabolical disorientation that Sr Lucia of Fatima warned us about.
This dude is sick…..SICK!! You need to read the entire interview. It’s madness, utter and absolute heretical, degenerate madness. The depths of his filthiness knows no bounds. He speaks with the very lips of Satan himself, and sadly, with the voice of the Roman Pontiff. Reveling in abomination like swine wallowing in its own excrement, his warped and perverted mind seeks to infect and contaminate …More
This dude is sick…..SICK!! You need to read the entire interview. It’s madness, utter and absolute heretical, degenerate madness. The depths of his filthiness knows no bounds. He speaks with the very lips of Satan himself, and sadly, with the voice of the Roman Pontiff. Reveling in abomination like swine wallowing in its own excrement, his warped and perverted mind seeks to infect and contaminate the whole Church. May God, in His unfathomable mercies, save us all and deliver His Church from the foul clutches of this monster.

Víctor Manuel Fernández: "Se bendice a dos personas que están en pareja (...) Se ve que es un tema que provoca urticarias"