
Now They Are Chasing Cardinals: Here Number Three

Santiago de Chile Cardinal Ricardo Ezzati was sued for allegedly having “hushed up” abuses. Daniel Rojas Alvarez, 43, a beggar, says he was drugged and raped four years ago by Father Tito Rivera in …More
Santiago de Chile Cardinal Ricardo Ezzati was sued for allegedly having “hushed up” abuses. Daniel Rojas Alvarez, 43, a beggar, says he was drugged and raped four years ago by Father Tito Rivera in the presbytery of Santiago Cathedral when he came in asking for money.
Rojas claims that a few days later he told Ezzati “during a confession”. But Ezzati only gave him 30.000 pesos (45 dollar) asking him to keep quiet about what happened.
This account is contradicted by the fact that in March 2015 Rojas presented a complaint to the archdiocese which found his allegations credible. Father Rivera was removed.
Nevertheless, the accuser now wants 500’000 dollars from the Cardinal. In an interview, Ezzati denied that he ever met Rojas “and much less confessed” to him.
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Time to resign and bring in some Catholic bishops
Lion IRC
So many of these 'cover up' accusations coincide with victim advocacy group lawyers 'splaining why it takes their clients decades to come forward.
They remain silent for years and years, then expect us to believe that the Archbishop knew or the Cardinal knew or the whole congregation knew about it all along.
Who is really covering up?More
So many of these 'cover up' accusations coincide with victim advocacy group lawyers 'splaining why it takes their clients decades to come forward.

They remain silent for years and years, then expect us to believe that the Archbishop knew or the Cardinal knew or the whole congregation knew about it all along.

Who is really covering up?
Only God knows what is kept in secret...