
Defrocked Priest Accused Of "Raping" Big Man Commits Suicide

The defrocked homosexual Tito Rivera Muñoz, 68, who suffered from Parkinsons disease and depression, committed suicide on July 19, according to media reports. Rivera was accused of having "raped" a …More
The defrocked homosexual Tito Rivera Muñoz, 68, who suffered from Parkinsons disease and depression, committed suicide on July 19, according to media reports.
Rivera was accused of having "raped" a man, 43, much stronger than him, in the quarters attached to Santiago de Chile Cathedral in 2015. Rivera denied the accusations.
The suicide was described as a "discreet," "reserved," "accommodating" and "conservative" man who often helped out in Santiago Cathedral, but never held an important role in the Church (LaTercera.com, March 4th 2019). He surrounded himself with a group of men in their thirties who dressed almost like priests and were suspected of being homosexuals.
In 2019 Rivera admitted having consensual relationships with men and a woman and asked the Vatican for laicisation, which was accepted. This stopped a canonical trial against him regarding offences against the Sixth Commandment.
Rivera claimed that Santiago Cardinal Errázuriz, 86, a friend of Francis, payed a journalist …More
Wichita Knight
Reading the comments here is like watching two four-year-olds throw sand at each other in a sandbox.
In a news-item, the title IS the topic, you illiterate @Be Ye Obsessed It states the man committed suicide, meaning the article is an obituary
You creeps can't see anything beyond what excites you. You're doing it here again: "homosexual rape, and a homosexual Cardinal..."
Really obvious which word is your creep hot-button.
"You are a liar for claiming that the article is not also about …More
In a news-item, the title IS the topic, you illiterate @Be Ye Obsessed It states the man committed suicide, meaning the article is an obituary

You creeps can't see anything beyond what excites you. You're doing it here again: "homosexual rape, and a homosexual Cardinal..."

Really obvious which word is your creep hot-button.

"You are a liar for claiming that the article is not also about homosexuals."

That's you telling a lie while accusing me of one. You do that a lot and you never, ever back it up. Even when I say, as I do here, "quote me, you creep".

The article is "also about" a bunch of things.

It mentioned the man had Parkinson disease and depression. But the article isn't about Parkinson disease and depression. It mentions a friend of Francis bribed a journalist. But the article isn't about Francis or bribery either.

The article itself is an obituary notice for an ex-priest. It's not an expose of homosexuality, the sleazy kind that wastes paragraph after paragraph covering every sordid detail the way you want.

This is how your creep confirmation-bias works. All you see is what you want to and then you ignore everything else.

This why I can say with certainty you're a creep. You are.

You further indict yourself every time. Keep digging that hole deeper @Be Ye Obsessed
Alex A
What awaits this poor man?
Not a poor man. His dark boss drove him to commit suicide.
Be Ye Separate
The title and several paragraphs include topics such as homosexual rape, and a homosexual Cardinal committing bribery.
I did not write that you are a liar, because you called the article an obituary.
You are a liar for claiming that the article is not also about homosexuals.
You are a liar, and a very disturbed, perverse, effeminate creature.
Get lost.
"You are lying again."
I said it's an obituary notice. The post title and the entire first paragraph confirm this. @Be Ye Obsessed
So this isn't a lie and it isn't "again". You haven't ever shown ONE instance where I've lied so you don't get to claim "again".
"The defrocked homosexual Tito Rivera Muñoz,"
"Rivera was accused of having "raped" a man, "

Getting some serious mileage out of that …More
"You are lying again."

I said it's an obituary notice. The post title and the entire first paragraph confirm this. @Be Ye Obsessed

So this isn't a lie and it isn't "again". You haven't ever shown ONE instance where I've lied so you don't get to claim "again".

"The defrocked homosexual Tito Rivera Muñoz,"
"Rivera was accused of having "raped" a man, "

Getting some serious mileage out of that aren't you, creep?

The article mentions why he was defrocked and what probably led to his suicide. You are focusing on what you always focus on, the parts that excite sick creeps like you.

This is exactly why I say you're a sick creep. A sick creep who loves sexual deviancy.

You focus on it constantly, obsessively, just like you're doing right now!

You see? Even when you pretend otherwise, you still give yourself away. Your kind always do. You can't help yourself.

"My whole life, i have been engaged a few times to women and have dated women. I have never been perverse with a man, it is revolting to me."

Your fallacy is anecdotal evidence.

It's "revolting" to you. Suuuuuuure.... :D

That's why you wallow in the subject every chance you get and why you are so angry now that I've noticed how much you enjoy splashing around in that muck.

"You are a liar."

When I call you a creep. I show proof of it in your posts. You just make empty claims like that one.

I've also accused you repeatedly of running two separate accounts on GTV.

That's also true.
Be Ye Separate
@Ultraviolet "Another article about homosexuals on GTV." You wrote, "Actually, this is an obituary notice, you sick fairy."
You are lying again. The title and a main point, is about this homosexual ex-priest raping a MAN.
"The defrocked homosexual Tito Rivera Muñoz," "Rivera was accused of having "raped" a man, "
You also have slandered me several times, calling me homosexual names. My whole life …More
@Ultraviolet "Another article about homosexuals on GTV." You wrote, "Actually, this is an obituary notice, you sick fairy."
You are lying again. The title and a main point, is about this homosexual ex-priest raping a MAN.
"The defrocked homosexual Tito Rivera Muñoz," "Rivera was accused of having "raped" a man, "
You also have slandered me several times, calling me homosexual names. My whole life, i have been engaged a few times to women and have dated women. I have never been perverse with a man, it is revolting to me.
You are a liar. You are a slanderer.
"Another article about homosexuals on GTV." Actually, this is an obituary notice, you sick fairy.
"That reveals a terrible problem, with them in the Church and world."
Your love of discussing homosexuality reveals a terrible problem with YOU @ @Be Ye Separate/ Joseph 'A Pedo Sock Puppet .
"attack the messenger, go get em boy."
The messenger here is en.news NOT YOU. I'm not attacking en.news. I …More
"Another article about homosexuals on GTV." Actually, this is an obituary notice, you sick fairy.

"That reveals a terrible problem, with them in the Church and world."

Your love of discussing homosexuality reveals a terrible problem with YOU @ @Be Ye Separate/ Joseph 'A Pedo Sock Puppet .

"attack the messenger, go get em boy."

The messenger here is en.news NOT YOU. I'm not attacking en.news. I didn't even post here at all until you flipped out at me. So if there's any attack, it's from you.

YOU are the one "attacking the messenger". My message is simple. You are a homosexually obsessed creep with an equally revolting obsession with sexually abused children. ...and I didn't even share that message on this post until just now.

Oh, I understand where your anger comes from. Like every homosexual creep you don't like it when people notice there's something wrong with you.

It spoils your fun. You can't pretend to be an "outraged Catholic" and wallow on, and on, and on like you always do these sordid things. Earlier today was another example.

The earlier article didn't mention pedophilia, you brought it up. Why? Because pedophilia is something you like to think about. Creep.
Be Ye Separate
@Ultraviolet Another article about homosexuals on GTV. That reveals a terrible problem, with them in the Church and world.
Go on your irrational rant, attack the messenger, go get em boy. You are to dopey/proud to admit your wrong.