A Controversial Cardinal Travels to Panama to Promote Francis' Blasphemous Blessings

Cardinal Óscar Rodríguez Maradiaga, 81, a pawn of Francis accused of financial and homosexual scandals, travelled to Panama to advertise for the homosexual propaganda piece Fiducia Supplicans into the local clergy, ReligionDigital.com reports.

On 19 January, the Cardinal held a meeting with the clergy of the Archdiocese of Panama. He called the text Fiducia Supplicans good and spoke of its "preciousness": "Its application does not constitute heresy". Cardinal Maradiaga's claims recall the Latin saying: Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta [= unsolicited apology, the accusation is evident].

A day later, Maradiaga gave an interview to the archdiocesan Radio Hogar, attacking Catholics and claiming that those who criticise the text Fiducia Supplicans "have not read it". The truth is that those who defend the text Fiducia Supplicans have not understood it.

Maradiaga unscrupulously spread the untruth that the text Fiducia Supplicans "stands firm on the Church's traditional teaching on marriage" (sic) and "does not allow any kind of liturgical rite or similar blessing that could cause confusion".


Hugh N. Cry
He’s got that look.
@Hugh N. Cry …and probably that smell.
Sally Dorman shares this
Papal confidant Cardinal Maradiaga defends Fiducia Supplicans
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
It seems to me that nearly ALL of Francis advisors are homosexual, like this guy, or pro-homosexual. Zuppi just shot his chances to be the next Pope to hell by claiming that Francis gay rag doesn't go against Church teachings.
Blessings for homosexuals goes against God. How can any Catholic, or any priest, bishop, Cardinal or Pope be in favor of it......at the very least, at the loss of their own …More
It seems to me that nearly ALL of Francis advisors are homosexual, like this guy, or pro-homosexual. Zuppi just shot his chances to be the next Pope to hell by claiming that Francis gay rag doesn't go against Church teachings.
Blessings for homosexuals goes against God. How can any Catholic, or any priest, bishop, Cardinal or Pope be in favor of it......at the very least, at the loss of their own immortal souls for approving it?
Personally, I am sick of hearing about homosexuals, blessings for them, and gay rights in the Catholic Church. THat's all we hear.
I' leaning towards going to the Greek Orthodox Church near my house, or the TLM once in awhile even though it's far. I'd even consider observing at a mosque(not convert of course), before I'd accept a Church dominated by and 100% in favor of homosexuality and homosexuals( and TRANS).
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori do you think Cardinal Zuppi will be Pope Possible?? so horrible....even though he respect to our traditional Latin Mass....but this man agree with LGBT Ideologies...it's so horrible....I think Cardinal Parloin is a horrible man too....in my hope... I really hope Eminence Cardinal Péter Erdő(Archbishop of Budapest, Hungary) get to Papacy!!!! I heard he against to all Wrong …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori do you think Cardinal Zuppi will be Pope Possible?? so horrible....even though he respect to our traditional Latin Mass....but this man agree with LGBT Ideologies...it's so horrible....I think Cardinal Parloin is a horrible man too....in my hope... I really hope Eminence Cardinal Péter Erdő(Archbishop of Budapest, Hungary) get to Papacy!!!! I heard he against to all Wrong Ideologies...and he agaisnt to Fiducia Supplicans too....if he will elect to new Pope...ah...I can't imagine...or...or....I really hope Eminence Cardinal William Eijk get to Papacy too.....I think it's great too....I know..Eminence Cardinal Eijk against to LGBT Ideologies, indiscrimition Abortion...and he was a surgeon...so he much well knows about Gender Ideologies dagner....I heard..Eminence Cardinal George Pell loves Eminence Cardinal Erdő get to Papacy situation...I am sure he loves to Eminence Cardinal Eijk get to Papacy too....not them...just really hope we will get to Orthodox Pope fast time.....Eminence Cardinal Müller Get to papacy it will be nice too...I am sure...he is totally better than Bergoglio....I always tell you......if Lord will send Orthodox Pope, real Pope..fast time...I must going to Underground Church....like Arian crisis...Orthodox Catholic People escape to Desert....I think now almost going.....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's prayer too....I think Bergoglio want staying much Longer to Papacy...make me huge angry....many talking sorry....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day....
Everyday for Life Canada
There was a time not long ago when all priests were preaching the Gospel, not the blessing of sodomy. Welcome to progressive pastoral accompaniment.