
Novus Ordo Insanity: Attention Danger of Death!

Barbarians have destroyed the former Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament in the Maria del Mar Basilica in Barcelona, calling it a "renovation."

The result can be seen in the picture of the article published by Carla Restoy on Twitter.com (February 28). This is yet another example of how the Novus Ordo descent into madness knows no bounds.

Some smarty-pants, presumably the furniture salesman, came up with the idea that the restaurant setting in the former chapel represented "a tent" in which God Himself had "set the table" (Psalm 22). Significantly, the table is empty and there are no guests.

The Catalan Gothic basilica was built between 1329 and 1383 by simple fishermen and the inhabitants of the port area, when the population was still Catholic.

In August 1936, the Communists set a fire and destroyed parts of the basilica. If they entered the place today, they'd die laughing.


paul arten
Looks like they are not expecting too many people.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"In August 1936, the Communists set a fire and destroyed parts of the basilica. If they entered the place today, they'd die laughing." Most other people wold die laughing, except Catholics, who finally know what we have lost.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Looks like the faculty lunchroom where I teach 9 thru 11th grades. If this is a Catholic chapel, no wonder only 12% of Spaniards go to Mass !!!! HAHAHAHAHA . More Vatican II trash art. No surprise.
Luther would be very, very proud
Looks like some corporate boardroom! 🥺
John A Cassani
Yes, except they’d have more comfortable chairs. Like in chancery boardrooms.
Geminiano Secundo
This is a very eloquent sign of the times: the announcement of a Church living within families. I infer this from the statement of the Lord Jesus addressed to the servant of God Luisa Piccarreta (Nov. 27, 1917):
.... And then, churches are few and many will be destroyed. Many times I do not find Priests to consecrate Me; other times they allow unworthy souls to receive Me, and worthy souls not to …More
This is a very eloquent sign of the times: the announcement of a Church living within families. I infer this from the statement of the Lord Jesus addressed to the servant of God Luisa Piccarreta (Nov. 27, 1917):

.... And then, churches are few and many will be destroyed. Many times I do not find Priests to consecrate Me; other times they allow unworthy souls to receive Me, and worthy souls not to receive Me; other souls are unable to receive Me, therefore my Love finds Itself hindered. This is why I want to make the Sanctity of living in my Will. In It, I will no longer need Priests to be consecrated, nor churches, tabernacles or hosts. These souls will be everything altogether: Priests, churches, tabernacles and hosts. My Love will be more free. Anytime I want to consecrate Myself, I will be able to do it – in every moment, during the day, at night, in any place where they might be. Oh, how my Love will have Its complete outpouring!
Ah! my daughter, the present generation deserved to be destroyed completely; and if I will allow a little something to be left of it, it is to form these Suns of the Sanctity of living in my Will, who, through my example, will repay Me for all that other creatures, past, present and future, owed Me. Then will the earth give Me true glory, and my “FIAT VOLUNTAS TUA, on earth as it is in Heaven” will have its completion and fulfillment.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
John XXIII was a freemason. Paul VI was also, and supposedly a homosexual.
Salvatore Bastatti
You are correct on both accounts-- all the evidence gathered points to the accuracy of your statement. But I am sure you did not need me to state that.
Defeat Modernism
The new mass and the Vatican II sect are diabolic. It is the Counterfeit Church of Lucifer.