
Schneider: Old-Rite-Priests Dispose of Host Particles in Disinfectant

Even some priests of the Old Rite dip their fingers in disinfectant after each communicant when distributing Holy Communion and thus rub consecrated host particles into it.

Bishop Athanasius Schneider criticised this practice on 6 October in front of Gloria.tv (video below): "This is not acceptable."

Schneider did not name any specific places. However, Gloria.tv knows of several congregations of the Fraternity of Saint Peter in Germany where this serious abuse is practised.

The bishop also thinks "not much" of giving Holy Communion on cake plates and describes the use of rubber gloves as "excesses" which treat the host like rubbish. Such methods are undignified and don't correspond to the great holiness of the Eucharist, Schneider explains.

He also emphasises that receiving Holy Communion on the tongue is no more problematic than grabbing Communion with the hand, especially from a hygienic point of view since most bacteria and viruses are found on the palm and fingers. Several scientists in different countries have confirmed this assessment.


GJA Taylor
Thank God for this faithful prelate who does not talk about "scruples" but talks the Truth like an Apostle. Praise God.