Scotland bans public worship for second time during COVID-19 crisis
A spokesman for the Archdiocese of St. Andrews and Edinburgh said the ban came as a surprise to him.

Scotland plunged into full March-style national lockdown from midnight

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"..without an essential reason, such as shopping or exercise". How about exercising one's freedom of relgion?;-) Ah, that's right UK serfs don't have that right anymore. LOLOL. "Shopping". Oooh! The Salon Shoppe has a half-off sale on cosmetics! Shopping is essential, yeah? ;-)
Pope Innocent lll
Satan's fools are carrying out his destructive will.
De Profundis
Because 20 masked people in a ventilated space meant for 200, most of them standing, sitting and kneeling silently for 45 minutes max, all facing in the same direction, is just sooooo dangerous.
Sir Edward Leigh, an English Member of Parliament and the President of the Catholic Union of Great Britain, has written a letter to Scotland’s First Minister to suggest she show evidence that the heavily restricted religious services of recent months are indeed a danger to the public.
“I hope that in closing places of worship to the public, you will be presenting evidence for this decision to the …More
Sir Edward Leigh, an English Member of Parliament and the President of the Catholic Union of Great Britain, has written a letter to Scotland’s First Minister to suggest she show evidence that the heavily restricted religious services of recent months are indeed a danger to the public.
“I hope that in closing places of worship to the public, you will be presenting evidence for this decision to the Scottish Parliament in order for people to understand the public health requirement for this action,” Sir Edward wrote. “Freedom to worship in accordance with religious belief is one of the most fundamental and most precious freedoms that we enjoy. Interference or suspension with this right should not be done lightly.”