Live Mike

Sr. Lucia's nephew, Fr. José Valinho, on the Third Secret of Fatima

“I believe that [Third] part of the Secret concerns the Church from within, perhaps doctrinal difficulties, a crisis of unity, rebellion. The last sentence my aunt wrote, which precedes the part that is still unknown, says, In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved. Therefore, people elsewhere in the Church might waver on dogma.”
Father José Pereira dos Santos Valinho, SDB (nephew of Sr. Lucia); Reportage su Fatima by Renzo and Roberto Allegri, Milan 2000

“I believe that there is a connection between that which is announced in the first part of the Secret, which concerns wars and sufferings which would be everywhere, and the second part which concerns the persecutions and a type of breakdown of the Faith. Because where the ellipsis (the three dots, "…") was placed, it means "Here is the third part, which is not revealed" and then the conclusion "In Portugal the dogma of the faith will always be preserved etc." This suggests to me that there is a relationship between faith and the third part of the Secret. Therefore, it is something that relates to the Church. It is some kind of universal crisis which affects the whole Church and all of humanity.”
Father José Pereira dos Santos Valinho, SDB (nephew of Sr. Lucia); This public statement was made on 14 February 2003, broadcast on the program ENIGMA, which was transmitted prime time, nationwide on RAI, the National TV Network of Italy, The Fatima Crusader, Issue 74, p.76

*Photo: Maria dos Anjos (the sister of Sr. Lucia of Fatima) with her son, Father José Pereira dos Santos Valinho † 1926-2017 (the nephew of Sr. Lucia of Fatima)
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One should wonder why sister Lucia's family didn't adhere to the insane and false american dogma of sister Lucia impostor?
Live Mike
I reckon the theory of an impostor became more popularly known after many members of Sr. Lucia's family had already died.
In reality not all of her family passed away... Anyways the devil and its followers, although intelligent, are often illogical... 😉
Live Mike
Yes, to which family members are you referring?
..i.e. cousin, although it is irrelevant considering hypotheticaL replacement as explained below. My point is to convey through an analogy that we have brother twins celebrating TLM here. People have difficulties in distinguishing the 2 since they're very similar in characteristics... However those committed to their sacramental ministry are able to distinguish them through differences in vocal …More
..i.e. cousin, although it is irrelevant considering hypotheticaL replacement as explained below. My point is to convey through an analogy that we have brother twins celebrating TLM here. People have difficulties in distinguishing the 2 since they're very similar in characteristics... However those committed to their sacramental ministry are able to distinguish them through differences in vocal range. Their parents surely know few more characteristics by which to differentiate their sons... Now reason, if the potential impostor was so different as to be distinguishable to all by solely her appearance, (as the followers of the false theory claim), then her family members would be the first to alarm authorities back in 1960's, since her presumed replacement... In consequence, the chronological establishment of the theory has no logical basis for its foundation. To emphasize, it is common sense if such incident occurred it would be reported by her spiritual and familial members since she wasn't completely isolated from people. In consequence, such nonsense would never have to be created by american conspiracy theorists destroying Christian civilization.. Nevertheless unless the hypothesis isn't definitely proven such theory to undermine Church authority and Fatima meaning should be considered a devil's trap for global sensationalist fools...
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
Share with us your opinion, please: Do you think, if in a similar situation, but with implication of secular persons, photos like the 2 Lucys' would be enough arguments for the prosecutors, to accept somebody's denouncement to open a penal investigation for the cause?
Bazsó-Dombi Attila in such case only scientific evidence with definite certainty under legal liability could increase odds for trial and its success. To summarize disappearance of family member s. Lucy (dos Santos) was never reported to authorities since 1960's because she never disappeared. Her cloister sisters and family members were neither intellectually deficient nor ethically depraved not to …More
Bazsó-Dombi Attila in such case only scientific evidence with definite certainty under legal liability could increase odds for trial and its success. To summarize disappearance of family member s. Lucy (dos Santos) was never reported to authorities since 1960's because she never disappeared. Her cloister sisters and family members were neither intellectually deficient nor ethically depraved not to have had reported a potential fact of s Lucia disappearing, especially if such easily recognizable impostor, claimed to be, has existed in reality. In contrary, untill present time the founders and followers of the science-fictional american theory have not yet proved their hypothesis. Nevertheless, they're boldy continuing in universal udermining of Church authority and Our Lady's message from Fatima by refocusing erring people into tainted with pride curiosity to pry, meddle, and look into falsehood. Many childish and naive fans of the fable "Lucy impostor" fall into this sinful curiosity darkening their hearts and minds instead of focusing on Our Lady's of Fatima call to practice first Saturdays reparation to avoid war and achieve Catholic Order - peace.
"Whether the world has war or peace depends on the practice of this devotion, along with the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This is why I desire its propagation so ardently, especially because this is also the will of our dear Mother in Heaven." -Sr. Lucy (March 19, 1939)
Bazsó-Dombi Attila
@Just me: I am up to date with all of these detailes. I just wanted to help with my question the awakening of
@Rafał_Ovile: Even less arguments would be far than enough for a secular criminal investigation, but this cause was and still is under the control of the infiltrated masonic bolshevist impostors into the highest hierarchy of the Church!
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