
World Youth Day: Communion in Ikea Bowls

Barcelona Cardinal Omella presided over a July 31 Eucharist in Estoril, Portugal, with 30,000 Spaniards as part of World Youth Day. Potato chip bowls purchased from Ikea were used to distribute the Novus Ordo Communion.

The bowls were distributed to the co-presiding priests with a plastic wrap and the Ikea bar code still on them (photo).

According to InfoVaticana.com, they were chosen by Church authorities to convey a message of "humility" and "simplicity".


WYD is demonic.
Vincent Capuano
And bishops ask why there is a lack of Eucharistic piety. This is not some random Eucharistic minister storing the blessed sacrament in the cupboard at her house before taking it to the sick. This is a desecration of the Body and Blood of Christ, done under the watch of numerous bishops.
Akshay Francis K
Can you share point where this is showing in youtube
When those who give out communion don't believe in the real presence, this is the result. WYD is all about partying anyway
Ipsa conteret
The celebrants of this so-called Mass better hope they had a defect in intention and that Our Lord was not really present in this so-called consecration - otherwise, these clergy are gulity of an extreme act of Blasphemy! Yet another outrage against Our Lord, under Francis' watch! This time it is happening in the land of Fatima, where St. Michael the Archangel taught the 3 shepherds to receive Our …More
The celebrants of this so-called Mass better hope they had a defect in intention and that Our Lord was not really present in this so-called consecration - otherwise, these clergy are gulity of an extreme act of Blasphemy! Yet another outrage against Our Lord, under Francis' watch! This time it is happening in the land of Fatima, where St. Michael the Archangel taught the 3 shepherds to receive Our Lord in Holy Communion, kneeling and on the tongue. We are the ones who need to humble ourselves before Our Lord - we do not humiliate Our Lord by putting Him in disposable potato chip bowls.
Thank you for those very important words of Pope Leo XIII - yet by one word, as with a drop of poison, infect the...real faith.
la verdad prevalece
Pope Leo XIII: "There can be nothing more dangerous than those heretics who admit nearly the whole cycle of doctrine, and yet by one word, as with a drop of poison, infect the real and simple faith taught by our Lord and handed down by Apostolic tradition." -Auctor Tract, de Fide Orthodoxa contra Arianos.
la verdad prevalece
The result of this apostasy is eternal damnation. The result of this counterfeit church is very serious because people are drinking a glass of water with drops of deadly poison.
Ipsa conteret
Well said - these large outdoor so-called "Masses" are problematic from the get-go --- they encourage a lack of reverence for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament -- anyone can walk up and hold out his hand and take the host - and then do whatever one wants with the host. They used to be well-managed at the Shrine in Fatima, before the masonic clergy ruined much of what goes on there now. I shudder to …More
Well said - these large outdoor so-called "Masses" are problematic from the get-go --- they encourage a lack of reverence for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament -- anyone can walk up and hold out his hand and take the host - and then do whatever one wants with the host. They used to be well-managed at the Shrine in Fatima, before the masonic clergy ruined much of what goes on there now. I shudder to think of it - having seen the blasphemies that have become prevalent there ever since the 2017 centenial celebration of Our Lady's apparitions in 1917. How much She must be weeping over what is going on at WYD in Portugal! Let us pray in reparation!
P. O'B
1970s nonsense revisited. Perfect for the Francis "papacy."
"Noble simplicity" = CHEAP! 🤑 No wonder we have a problem with "Eucharistic coherence" not to mention belief in the Real Presence. Wonder how much of the $28 million for the 2024 Eucharistic revival shin-dig will go to actually showing reverence to the Blessed Sacrament? Or is it all being spent on PR and venue fees!
Jeffrey Ade
Catholics do not doubt the Real Presence. These people do not practice the Catholic Faith. There probably is no Blessed Sacrament at these abominations. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Louis IX
The tragedy is, is that the Real Presence is most likely there. The Transubstantiation does not depend upon the belief of the communicants. :(
What makes you think that the "celebrants" have the Catholic Faith - if they would consent to placing Our Lord, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in a potato-chip bowl- which will be tossed in the trash after use? No true Catholic priest or bishop or pope would consent to this blasphemy. Thus, the intention of the "celebrant" during the consecration would be suspect - based upon the facts - and choices …More
What makes you think that the "celebrants" have the Catholic Faith - if they would consent to placing Our Lord, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in a potato-chip bowl- which will be tossed in the trash after use? No true Catholic priest or bishop or pope would consent to this blasphemy. Thus, the intention of the "celebrant" during the consecration would be suspect - based upon the facts - and choices made by the will of the celebrant(s). Jeffrey is most probably correct in his assessment. However, the Blasphemy against Our Lord still holds - in fact is all the greater due to the profanation of the Sacred by these so-called Catholic clergy.
Louis IX
If they intend to consecrate, as the Church has always done and does, and they are indeed priests with valid orders and the hosts and wine are as they should be and the correct words are spoken Transubstantiation takes place. That makes the potato chip bowls and reckless distribution that much worse.
Ahh - that's the point - do they even know the Faith enough to intend what the Catholic Church has always done -- how many priests are truly modernists, and even free masons -- and do not even know/care about the Catholic Faith enough to intend what the Catholic Church has always intended - again , I tell you, actions speak louder than words -- seminary education in most seminaries teaches modernism …More
Ahh - that's the point - do they even know the Faith enough to intend what the Catholic Church has always done -- how many priests are truly modernists, and even free masons -- and do not even know/care about the Catholic Faith enough to intend what the Catholic Church has always intended - again , I tell you, actions speak louder than words -- seminary education in most seminaries teaches modernism -- except for where the traditional Faith is taught, such as SSPX, FSSP, ICK, etc., seminaries -- let's face it - we live in a time of widespread apostasy -
Ipsa conteret
I agree with Dr. Maria - there is NO WAY a true Catholic priest, who knows and understands the Holy Eucharist to be truly Our Lord Jesus Christ, could go along with using a disposable potato chip bowl from IKEA as the means for carrying and distributing Our Lord in Holy Communion. Now - those who are numb to the errors they have imbibed could - because they just "go along to get along" - and have …More
I agree with Dr. Maria - there is NO WAY a true Catholic priest, who knows and understands the Holy Eucharist to be truly Our Lord Jesus Christ, could go along with using a disposable potato chip bowl from IKEA as the means for carrying and distributing Our Lord in Holy Communion. Now - those who are numb to the errors they have imbibed could - because they just "go along to get along" - and have tragically lost their intentionality about what it means to be a Catholic priest, if they were even ever formed correctly to begin with - sadly, this is often the case today - we need the restoration of the Church that will only come through Our Lady.
Louis IX
I understand the idea behind the doubt but where does that leave Communion in the hand and the plethora of Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers at most NO Masses? They’ve (the human hierarchy of the Church) created so much doubt with their innovations. Maybe the next Pope will end these stadium Masses?
@Ipsa conteret I suspect its more a case of the priests following directions given to them by their Apostate Bishops; who in turn are obedient to commands from the top. There are always exceptions however and the reason for us to pray fervently for saintly and holy priests as the people follow their example.