
Letal covid's shots : Bischop Vigano blames the silent of churchmen

Three years ago I was among the first - and certainly the first Bishop - to denounce pandemic and vaccination fraud. Expressed with arguments that today emerge as true and well-founded are the critical …More
Three years ago I was among the first - and certainly the first Bishop - to denounce pandemic and vaccination fraud. Expressed with arguments that today emerge as true and well-founded are the critical issues and immorality of an experimental gene treatment, which aborted fetuses were and are used to produce. I also wrote two open letters to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which remain unanswered. There were those in conservative circles who went so far as to attack me personally and resorted to the unproven and clearly false statements of a doctor who worked with her husband for BigPharma. I expressed my dismay at the silence of the bishops, priests, and parish pastors, of many religious workers involved in hospitals, and at the servile zeal with which the Catholic Hierarchy conformed to the crazy and criminal health regulations and Bergoglio's promotion of the serum. I was publicly insulted on television and in the media, while my brother bishops were silent.
Faced …More
would they do it again ?
Tony Smith
The Church betrayed the world on this issue.
True Mass
God Bless B Vigano
Heroic Archbishop! Ave Maria DG