
Spanish Bishop Rebukes Hong Kong Cardinal

Catholic Orihuela-Alicante Bishop José Munilla, 61, Spain, has criticised Hong Kong Cardinal Stephen Chow for insisting that the Church should not convert the Chinese into Catholics.

"As far as I know," Munilla wrote on Twitter (September 29) "the LOVE OF GOD manifested itself by sending HIS SON-JESUS CHRIST into the world for our salvation; who founded the CHURCH as the universal sacrament of salvation..."

He adds that the Chinese martyrs gave their lives for preaching conversion to Christ.

Picture: José Munilla, Stephen Chow Sau-yan, © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsEgurgvnnah

Fr Dan
Anyone who shares this message that Christ did not call us to evangelize thr nations, will not only stand before God, but all the Chinese martyrs who went to their death for preaching Christ who is the only way to salvation.
Tony M
He obviously has not a jot of concern for the salvation of people who are outside the Church & with no belief in God!! No love there!! Would probably be doing more good selling used cars!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
First off, Cardinal Stephen Chow is not a Catholic. He is a pro-homo, pro-women priest Bergoglio cheerleader apostate and heretic. He is a Bergoglian cardinal, and therefore automatically a heretic unless proven otherwise.
I'm Japanese/American, and my family converted from Buddhism in the 1580's-90's to Catholicism, brought to us by good Jesuit and Dominican priests at that time. They converted …More
First off, Cardinal Stephen Chow is not a Catholic. He is a pro-homo, pro-women priest Bergoglio cheerleader apostate and heretic. He is a Bergoglian cardinal, and therefore automatically a heretic unless proven otherwise.
I'm Japanese/American, and my family converted from Buddhism in the 1580's-90's to Catholicism, brought to us by good Jesuit and Dominican priests at that time. They converted because they saw the holiness of the Traditional Roman Rite Mass, and the saintly lives of these good priests and friars. They loved the traditions of the Faith. I know for absolute certain, that they indeed risked their lives, and lost a lot of their prestiege in their community and even their land and livelihood, for becoming Catholics. Our familyies were "underground" Catholics for centuries, until the late 1890's which it was no longer a crime to be Christian, and the Togugawa Shogunate was abolished and replaced by the Meiji emperor and his successors who tried to build a modern, more enlightened Japan based partly on Western principles.
But I am 100% certain, that they never would have considered anything worthy in the Vatican II Mass if it was the norm in the 1590's, and would not have converted if they saw Jesuit priests like Cardinal Chow, or a Pope like Pope Francis.
Pope Francis, just today again, insultd and degraded USA Catholics, saying we follow ideology rather than Faith. Well, Bergoglio, we follow the True Mass and the True Faith. You can shove your homo Synodal Church up your --- "where the sun don't shine".
Vincent Capuano
Thank you for sharing your family story. The fruit does not fall far from the tree.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi!! Kenjiro!!! I really hope you had great time always...thanks for your comment past time...I told you always...deeply thanks to your great comment...always really happy see your opinion..and deeply emotion to your family's story....I heard...Japan have so many great Martyrs too....they protect to their Loyalty...I deeply respect it....Japan and Korea have have great Martyrs …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi!! Kenjiro!!! I really hope you had great time always...thanks for your comment past time...I told you always...deeply thanks to your great comment...always really happy see your opinion..and deeply emotion to your family's story....I heard...Japan have so many great Martyrs too....they protect to their Loyalty...I deeply respect it....Japan and Korea have have great Martyrs Saints...it's really great too...I hope tell somethings...maybe I am sure...well know about Eminence Cardinal Zen Ze kiun...former Bishop of Hong Kong...he is a very brave, Orthodox Cardinal....he support to our great Tradition....and against to LGBT Ideologies....and I heard...even though have many fault...but after Eminence Cardinal Zen...Eminence Cardinal Tong Hon....he against to LGBT Ideologies too....but I heard...now Cardinal Chow....he maybe support..and he said we must allow to woman Priest...so horrible....if Lord dose not send to Orthodox Pope..fast time..I will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you and John will join Underground Church too....much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's Prayer...even though I have many sins..so many fault..but really hope Loyalty to our Lord Jesus Christ...Holland's Martyrs, Japan and Korean Martyrs...all great Martyrs Saints..pray for us too...I hope one more ask...do you think Bergoglio's health is no good?? I am not sure...just really hope we will get Orthodox Pope..fast time...and really hope much, much many Cardinals, Bishops are saying about protect to our Orthodox teachings.....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!!