What Does Joe Biden Have to Offer Catholic Voters? What Does Joe Biden Have to Offer Catholic Voters? The Jesuit America Magazine published an October 28 video interview with Carolyn Woo from “Catholics …More
What Does Joe Biden Have to Offer Catholic Voters?

What Does Joe Biden Have to Offer Catholic Voters?

The Jesuit America Magazine published an October 28 video interview with Carolyn Woo from “Catholics for Biden.” Woo is a former CEO of the Catholic Relief Services of the American Bishops. The interview was about – quote: “What does Joe Biden have to offer Catholic voters.” Woo thinks that Biden should be president – quote – “very much because of Catholic social teaching.” She believes that Democrates and Joe Biden stand for “human dignity,” “social friendship,” and removing “income inequality.” However, if Biden stands for removing “income inequality”, why is he supported by virtually all of the riches American Oligarchs?

We Cannot Divide the Country”

Woo went on saying that – quote – “we cannot divide the country”, suggesting that Trump is doing that. However, this blame goes to the Democrates who have been creating divisions for years through their alleged minority politics and their supporting the fight among the races, like during the Back Lives Matters riots.

Nothing Has Happened

Regarding abortion, Woo protests that – quote - “live is sacred to me, I thought a lot about that.” She claims that “who our president is, has no impact on reducing abortion” – and bursts out in a laughter. She contradicts the argument that Republican presidents would appoint conservative judges who will reverse abortion. Her answer to that: “We have had thirty years of Republican justices, and noting has happened.”

The True Reason for the Decline

Woo refutes the argument that by reversing the Roe v. Wade abortion decision of the US Supreme Court, abortion would go down. Abortion has already been going down for the last thirty years, she says and bursts againt into laughing. She further insists that abortion has been going down faster under the Democratics than under the Republicans. She attributes this to the alleged fact that Democratic administrations help pregnant mothers more than Republican administrations. However, the true reason for the decline in abortions is the introduction of the morning-after abortion pill which the Democrats strongly support.
It was Vatican II sect Catholics that put Biden into power and Obama.
alfred dunn
There aren't enough authentic Catholics to answer the question.
Dr Bobus
No Supreme Court Justice appointed by a Dem President has ever voted to reduce the authority of Roe v
Roe v Wade had two dissenting votes. One was Wm Rehnquist, the other Whizzer White (nominated by JFK).More
No Supreme Court Justice appointed by a Dem President has ever voted to reduce the authority of Roe v

Roe v Wade had two dissenting votes. One was Wm Rehnquist, the other Whizzer White (nominated by JFK).
Holy Cannoli
Carolyn (no tickee, no washee) Woo is the classic Catholic dissident. Pro-abortion, social justice warrior, globalist (read: anti-capitalist) who fits perfectly into the American bishops’ leftist agenda. Of course she would support another Catholic dissident Sleepy Joe Biden for president.
The good news is that along with the precipitous decline in church attendance (multiple reasons 😷 ) and the …More
Carolyn (no tickee, no washee) Woo is the classic Catholic dissident. Pro-abortion, social justice warrior, globalist (read: anti-capitalist) who fits perfectly into the American bishops’ leftist agenda. Of course she would support another Catholic dissident Sleepy Joe Biden for president.

The good news is that along with the precipitous decline in church attendance (multiple reasons 😷 ) and the decrease in donations which necessarily follows, far left outfits like the bishops’ Catholic Relief Services are starving for cash.