
If Milei Wins, Francis Will Stay Away from Argentina

If Javier Milei who has publicly insulted Francis, is elected president of Argentina, the plans for Francis to visit his homeland will fall through, writes La-Croix.com (November 14).

Francis is unpopular in Argentina and has never visited the country as Pope. In recent months, he has told journalists on several occasions that he would come to Argentina in 2024. The Argentine bishops last invited him on November 7, apparently with his agreement.

The other candidate, Sergio Massa, is not a friend of Francis either, having lobbied in the Vatican in the 2000s at the Vatican to have Bergoglio removed from Buenos Aires. However, this old enmity would not prevent Francis from visiting Argentina.

Milei is likely to win the election.

Picture: © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsOpzgqmwmui

Everyday for Life Canada
The Pope should stay away from every country, including the Vatican.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
MILEI WON!!!! Boo hoo hoo, Pope Francis!!! The good guy won, and I hope I hope a good guy is coming for your job very soon!!!
Milei for Italian Prime Minister!
Either way, Francis could easily be arrested if he returns. Too much cover-up of abuse on his watch.
Well you have it... it seems that Milei is winning
Jan Joseph
Politiek en geloof staan bijna altijd haaks op elkaar. Het geloof, de Rooms Katholieke kerk moet zich uitsluitend met politiek bemoeien als het om morele kwesties gaat. Maar geen politieke standpunten innemen, want als de politiek wind veranderd van links naar rechts of andersom wordt dit op de kerk afgerekend.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I hope Milei wins in a landslide.
Mary Katherine Murray
Isn't it interesting how the globalists (including PF) hate Trump, Orban, Milei, etc.?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Mary Katherine Murray -Yes, interesting, but not surprising. Francis hates him too, but then again, Pope Francis and his gay advisors are arm and arm with Biden, Trudeau, Greta "climate change" Thunberg, etc.
He has been away from 2013... and before I don't see that he cared much either.