
Parody of "Synodality": Roche’s Former Diocese Forbids All But One Mass

Leeds Bishop Marcus Stock, 61, England, has prohibited all but one Mass from next week following Francis’ rescript.

Stock is a former church bureaucrat whom Benedict XVI made a Prelate of Honour in 2012 before he was promoted a bishop in 2014.

Leeds is the former diocese of Cardinal Roche, the Mass butcher, who owes his career to Benedict XVI.

Only the very popular Mass at St. Patrick's, Westgate, Bradford, which is not a parish church, will continue.

LmsLeeds.Blogspot.com has understoods that “driving something underground is the surest way to ensure its survival and moreover its growth.”

Picture: LmsLeeds.blogspot.com/, #newsIiguzcoanz

That Church is St Cantius in Chicago, USA.
Indeed it is St. John Cantius in Chicago, Illinois. We would attend Mass there every Sunday when we were in town. It is a breathtaking church.
I realized I left out St. John Cantius as soon as I wrote it, but there's no way to edit.
Well, it wasn't exactly AS SOON as I wrote it, but it was before your correction. Wish you could edit or remove your own comments if you want to.
Sandy Barrett
Fr Murray summed up the situation, saying: “It’s a persecution of Latin Mass Catholics, plain and simple. And it can’t be justified by saying this is going to help promote the mission of the Church. This is damaging the Church.”
Ban the novus ordo
Salvatore Bastatti
"Forbids"? I say go "&^%" the Ordinary. This is getting ever more laughable by the week. A Catholic Church nearby now has less than 20 Sunday attendees when it once had over 1,000 and 4 Sunday Masses. I thank God for the residence my well to do parents left me and the private chapel I had built in it where I may pray the Tridentine (i.e., the real) Mass daily.
Jan Joseph
Ja natuurlijk, alles wat niet mag is veel spannender. In Nederland wordt in veel huiskerken, onze lieve heer op zolder, de Tridentijnse Heilige Mis opgedragen en gevierd.
Salvatore Bastatti
Faithful Catholics should flip Bergoglio and any hierarchical goon he has the bird.
Jorge Bergoglio is a psychopath.More
Faithful Catholics should flip Bergoglio and any hierarchical goon he has the bird.

Jorge Bergoglio is a psychopath.
Katja Metzger
Cardinal Roche is called online the TLM viper.