
Cardinal Burke "Knows" That For Him Soon It Is Time To Act

Cardinal Raymond Burke has given the signatories hints that he approves the “filial correction”, one of them, Professor Claudio Pierantoni, told lifesitenews.com.

According to Pierantoni the Cardinal knows that it is very soon his time to act, “Perhaps two or three more cardinals, or half a dozen bishops, will join.”

Picture: Raymond Burke, © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsCireskakvg
I almost feel sorry this coward. The time for him to act was decades ago.
The whole world reacts so quickly almost in seconds to everything now, while the church takes its time in everything. Prudence can be a virtue but not when evil has acted. The Cardinals need to get off their butts and saves souls from Frances' heretical views!
Lionel L. Andrades
JANUARY 10, 2017
Vatican Council II as interpreted by the two popes cannot be magisterial for Cardinal Burke since it is no different from the philosophical error in Amoris Laetitia
AUGUST 21, 2017
Formal correction of Cardinal Raymond Burke needed : not reported by media
OCTOBER 28, 2016
If they …More
JANUARY 10, 2017

Vatican Council II as interpreted by the two popes cannot be magisterial for Cardinal Burke since it is no different from the philosophical error in Amoris Laetitia

AUGUST 21, 2017

Formal correction of Cardinal Raymond Burke needed : not reported by media

OCTOBER 28, 2016

If they would believe Cardinal Cushing and not Fr.Leonard Feeney was in heresy then the interpretation of Vatican Council II changes : Cardinal Burke, Bishop Athanasius Schneider




JANUARY 11, 2017

Francis the Firsty
Can we stop with the never ending wait??? What ARE YOU WAITING FOR (while meanwhile Catholic lose their souls and their courage while you DITHER!!!! DITHER, DITHER, DITHER!!! God is could be using YOU, Sir, like Athanasius of Old, but instead...what?...you have a knitting class or a Maj-Jong tournament??? Stop being such an effeminate, dithering yutz!!!
Francis the Firsty
He can muster up the gonads to LAUNCH A "NUCLEAR ATTACK" ON THE FAITHFUL SSPX, *but* can't seem to find the testosterone to RIGHTFULLY AND FRATERNALLY "PULL THE TRIGGER" ON THE HERETIC...FRANCIS THE FIRST!!!! WHAT GIVES CARDINAL BURKE??? Enough of the feminine, Hamlet like histrionics!!! Any more indecisive and you will start arguing against your own position. Time to sound, act AND **LEAD THE …More
He can muster up the gonads to LAUNCH A "NUCLEAR ATTACK" ON THE FAITHFUL SSPX, *but* can't seem to find the testosterone to RIGHTFULLY AND FRATERNALLY "PULL THE TRIGGER" ON THE HERETIC...FRANCIS THE FIRST!!!! WHAT GIVES CARDINAL BURKE??? Enough of the feminine, Hamlet like histrionics!!! Any more indecisive and you will start arguing against your own position. Time to sound, act AND **LEAD THE FAITHFUL** AWAY FROM HERESY like a man...AND AS YOU VOWED TO DO WHEN YOU BECAME A PRIEST...and you are not just ANY PRIEST...YOU ARE A PRINCE OF THE CHURCH...A PAPA-BILE!!! C'MON, MAN!! BE A MAN...AN APOSTLE!!!
God Bless Cardinal Burke.....time to correct this errant pope!
He has not too much time. He is NEXT for departure....
Cardinal Burke, please, don't let any distractions, especially with your recall to Rome to defend and proclaim the truth! The faithful are counting on you.