
A (Little) Nomination For Cardinal Burke

Pope Francis named Cardinal Raymond Burke on September 30 a member of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura whose prefect he was, until Francis sacked him in November 2014. Burke was known for running the Signatura in an efficient and righteous way. Under the new regime the Signatura has been compared by insiders to a “vortex” where the cases enter and disappear.

It is also believed that Francis has understood that he needs to integrate those whom he considers his enemies, because they have gathered behind them the big majority of those practicing Catholics who are the basis of the Church.

Picture: © Pufui Pc Pifpef I, CC BY-SA, #newsIqickdioar
Lionel L. Andrades
Cardinal Raymond Burke does not have to refuse.
He needs to clarify that we cannot use Philosophical Subjectivism in the interpretation of faith and morals. We cannot change Catholic salvation and moral theology with the Obfuscation Principle.
The mistake he and Dr.Joseph Shaw are making is that they assume there are known cases of couples divorced and remarried who are living as brothers and …
Cardinal Raymond Burke does not have to refuse.
He needs to clarify that we cannot use Philosophical Subjectivism in the interpretation of faith and morals. We cannot change Catholic salvation and moral theology with the Obfuscation Principle.
The mistake he and Dr.Joseph Shaw are making is that they assume there are known cases of couples divorced and remarried who are living as brothers and sisters; who are living chaste.If there were - this would not be known to us. So they are not exceptions or relevant to the traditional moral teaching on mortal sin.
Neither can we know the conscience of any particular person in manifest mortal sin, to say that the person is an exception.
We cannot apply the three conditions of mortal sin to any one in manifest mortal sin and then state that the person is not in mortal sin. The three conditions can only be known to God.So mentioning them in the Catechism was part of the Obfuscation Principle.
He needs to pick up the issue from here i.e we cannot judge in general or particular cases when someone who objectively appears to be heading for Hell, is really not.There are not personally known exceptions to the norm on morals and faith(salvation).

If he repeats the message of the 63-plus scholars it would simply be brushed aside by Pope Francis, as he did recently in Columbia.1
He then needs to affirm the traditional teaching on faith and morals. He would have to affirm the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and continue to express himself clearly as he does (on abortion for example) when people in manifest mortal sin,are breaking the moral law with their life style.2


Pope Francis has supported the Obfuscation Principle in the interpretation of Catholic morals and salvation. The confusion is there in his statement in Columbia on Amoris Laetitia being Thomistic.

The Obfuscation Principle is mixing up what cannot be known as being known, it is a false reasoning. It's subterfuge.It is philophical subterfuge used to change the traditional doctrines of the Catholic Church.
He rejects traditional exclusivist salvation in the Catholic Church by assuming unknown cases of the baptism of desire etc are known and they exclude the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.So they become examples of salvation outside the Church when there are no such cases in real life.There are no practical exceptions in 2017 to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Similarly he rejects the traditional teachings of Jesus on morals by assuming there are known exceptions.For him there are known cases of Catholics living in mortal sin who will not be going to Hell, or, after Amoris Laetitia, who can be given the Eucharist, for example, the divorced and remarried.
This is similar to cardinals Ratzinger and Schonborg in the Catechism of the Catholic Church(1994) mention the three conditions of mortal sin which can only be known to God.So there is confusion on mortal sin.

In either case, faith(salvation) and morals, there are no known exceptions in the present times to the traditional teachings of the Church, since we simply cannot see people in Heaven.If there was an exception it would only be known to God.
However with the Obfuscation Principle, the two popes can pretend that in principle what is unknown is known, in principle what is physically invisible is visible, in principle what is only known to God in Heaven is also known in personal cases to us human beings on earth. This is philosophical cheating.
Outside the Church there is no salvation and all non Catholics in 2017 are oriented to Hell unless they are incorporated into the Church as members and similarly all divorced and remarried couples are living in mortal sin unless they change their life style and receive absolution in the Confessional.There is no confusion here.
There was confusion when the Church wrongly excommunicated Fr. Leonard Feeney who would not accept exceptions to the dogma EENS based on the Obfuscation Principle.Invisible cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance could not be visible cases for him. The Church wrongly excommunicated Archbishop Lefebvre for not accepting Vatican Council II interpreted with the Obfuscation Principle and now in Columbia Pope Francis approved the excommunication of Professor José Galat, former rector of the La Gran Colombia University and founder and owner of the television station Teleamiga.There was a time when Cardinal Bergoglio also criticised the pope in public and no one called for his excommunication.
Pope Francis approves the Eucharist being given in general to the married and divorced in Germany, Malta, Italy and other countries.No one says he is in heresy and so is automatically excommunicated.
So there is now a new morality.Docrine has been changed by the two living popes by using an irrationality in faith and morals.If as Catholics we avoid this irrationality we can theologically return to the past ecclesiology, in faith(salvation) and morals.
As Catholics we have a moral obligation to avoid the Obfuscation Principle.

Ah yes, Francis understands alright! The ONLY reason Cdl. Burke is going back to the Vatican is to neutralize him in his efforts to present the F.C. We know EXACTLY what Francis and Co. are up to. We are already down 2 original signers of the Dubia that died 'suddenly and unexpectedly' almost a month apart to the day of each other this summer. I think Cdl. Burke needs to get a food tester. Pray for …More
Ah yes, Francis understands alright! The ONLY reason Cdl. Burke is going back to the Vatican is to neutralize him in his efforts to present the F.C. We know EXACTLY what Francis and Co. are up to. We are already down 2 original signers of the Dubia that died 'suddenly and unexpectedly' almost a month apart to the day of each other this summer. I think Cdl. Burke needs to get a food tester. Pray for Cdl. Burke, I pray he does not accept this position. He is walking into the snake pit.
Theresia Katharina
Together with Cardinal Burke, two cardinals were appointed to these positions aged more than 75 years (Vallini, Menichelli).
Well, he's got his watchers.
Mr. Cardinal Burke, you are perfectly cold at this post! Please refuse!
Theresia Katharina
Cardinal Burke was prefect, that is, chief of the Apostolic Signature, and is to return to a subordinate status after his unjustified dismissal. No way!!!! No way!!!
Mr. Cardinal Burke do not accept this, it is a trap! PF will only bring you under Kuratel, that is pure tactics, otherwise nothing! In a subordinate position, you can do nothing, but are perfectly cold and PF delivered directly !!More
Cardinal Burke was prefect, that is, chief of the Apostolic Signature, and is to return to a subordinate status after his unjustified dismissal. No way!!!! No way!!!
Mr. Cardinal Burke do not accept this, it is a trap! PF will only bring you under Kuratel, that is pure tactics, otherwise nothing! In a subordinate position, you can do nothing, but are perfectly cold and PF delivered directly !! Mr. Cardinal Burke, reject this!
PF wants to remove the base from the Dubia resistance, so he now throws you a little chunk!
What does this mean ? no FILIAL CORRECTION ???
@blanche52 L'obéissance est un point sensible ~ stratégique pour les religieux, je ne sais pas si le cardinal Burke peut refuser une nomination ? Cela dit
le salut ne s'achète pas il se mérite on verra l' Homme de foi celui qui percevre en vérité.
Bref, François craignait un courage renouvelé chez le cardinal Burke, il lui donne un su-sucre, qu'il devrait refuser !