Will it soon be necessary to note the doctrinal schism between Bishop Rey and his confreres in French …

The bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rennes (France) forbid to bless homosexual or unmarried "couples" in the church but only individual people. "In our society where marriage has been …More
The bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rennes (France) forbid to bless homosexual or unmarried "couples" in the church but only individual people.
"In our society where marriage has been trivialized by becoming a notion of civil law that ignores the founding specificity of sexual difference, we have the mission to affirm prophetically, "with gentleness and respect" (1 Pet 3:16), the great beauty of God’s plan which created the human being, man and woman, and which Christ recalled. In this context, it is therefore right, as the Declaration emphasizes, not to contribute to creating “confusion” (n. 4, 5, 30, 31, 39) or “scandal” (n. 30, 39). Therefore, it is appropriate to bless spontaneously, individually, each of the two persons forming a couple, regardless of their sexual orientation, who ask God’s blessing with humility and in the desire to conform more and more to his holy will."
Pierre d’Ornellas, archbishop de Rennes
Raymond Centène, bishop de Vannes
Emmanuel Delmas, bishop …More
The text of the cartoon has been quoted from his interview with R Arroyo from EWTN