F M Shyanguya
True Face of Freemasonry by Bishop Athanasius Schneider, September 20, 2014 | Gloria Dei
Freemasonry, the perfect Antichurch.

The True Face of Freemasonry

In 2017 the Freemasonry has its 300th anniversary of its foundation on 24th June 1717. According to official reports, it was the result of a reunion of four “lodges”or secret …
F M Shyanguya
The perfect Antichurch
It was Pope Pius VIII who in 1829 gave one of the most apt and precise definitions of Freemasonry: “It is a satanic sect, which has its demon as its god” (cf. Encyclical Traditihumilitatinostrae). The essence of the free mason-religion consists in the perversion, that is in the subversion of the Divine Ordo of creation and in the transgression of the laws given by God, therein …More
The perfect Antichurch

It was Pope Pius VIII who in 1829 gave one of the most apt and precise definitions of Freemasonry: “It is a satanic sect, which has its demon as its god” (cf. Encyclical Traditihumilitatinostrae). The essence of the free mason-religion consists in the perversion, that is in the subversion of the Divine Ordo of creation and in the transgression of the laws given by God, therein the higher masonic degree members see the “true progress” of humanity, the mental building of the temple of humanity. Instead of the revelation of God there stands the free masonic-secret and the human being makes himself ultimately a god (cf. X. Dor, Le Crime contreDieu, Chiré-en-Montreuil, 2016, 162). In fact, freemasonry is the perfect Anti-Church, where all the theological and moral foundations of the Catholic Church is turned into their opposite! A freemason told in a private talk to his sister the following: “Do you know what we freemasons are in fact? We are the anti-Church.”