Dr Taylor Marshall belongs to the Antichurch

Dr Taylor Marshall belongs to the Antichurch – The WAR Our Time – Bits & Pieces

Dr Taylor Marshall belongs to the Antichurch inter alia, V = TG; Death The perfect Antichurch It was Pope Pius VIII who …
F M Shyanguya
F M Shyanguya
TM and his entire family “caught CoViD”.
There is no Anti-Church. Just the Catholic Church, currently under very bad management, which -has- happened before.
F M Shyanguya
Synagogue of Satan if you like.
Christ opposed by Antichrist
The true Church of Christ in the communion of saints, opposed by the Antichurch, the society of the impious, which is Freemasonry [according to Pope Pius VIII as Bp Schneider recalls for us] or kingdom of Satan led on or assisted by Freemasonry, according to Pope Leo XIII of happy memory.
Cf. The WAR: The earthly city, mystery Babylon …More
Synagogue of Satan if you like.

Christ opposed by Antichrist

The true Church of Christ in the communion of saints, opposed by the Antichurch, the society of the impious, which is Freemasonry [according to Pope Pius VIII as Bp Schneider recalls for us] or kingdom of Satan led on or assisted by Freemasonry, according to Pope Leo XIII of happy memory.

Cf. The WAR: The earthly city, mystery Babylon vs. the heavenly city, Jerusalem
F M Shyanguya
That so-called synagogue has been around during the Medici and Borgia popes long before "freemasonry" oh-noes got all the conspiracy-clowns in a panic.
F M Shyanguya
You are now scrambling.
No, I'm pointing out historical precedent to disprove your nonsense, in exactly the same way I used Scripture to do so a day or so back. Nothing's changed. I know what I'm talking about and you don't.
F M Shyanguya
Suit yourself.
I shall, thank you. ;-)
@F M Shyanguya
You are right. That's why Pope Pius IX explicitly called freemasonry the Synagogue of Satan (cf. Etsi multa)
So if freemasonry is the Synagogue of Satan and opposed to the Catholic Church than it can't be part of the Catholic Church or an anti-Church within the Church. Ah, Good old V.R.S., illogical as ever. It took you nearly a month to find something you felt brave enough to attack? :D
F M Shyanguya
@V.R.S. Cf Announcement [The backlash has spilled over into an entire blogpost cf 😲 A whole blogpost on @Ultraviolet on 4christum.blogspot.com 😲]
A pagan into horrible nastiness - characteristic of idolaters and a manifestation of Devil & demon worship [entities control. Can’t help herself] - that she readily spews and masquerading as a “Traditionalist Catholic” is to educate Catholics?
Even …More
@V.R.S. Cf Announcement [The backlash has spilled over into an entire blogpost cf 😲 A whole blogpost on @Ultraviolet on 4christum.blogspot.com 😲]

A pagan into horrible nastiness - characteristic of idolaters and a manifestation of Devil & demon worship [entities control. Can’t help herself] - that she readily spews and masquerading as a “Traditionalist Catholic” is to educate Catholics?

Even brave lions suffer irritating flies [apt analogy, the lord of the flies, their lord], this one, so nasty. In the end, flies are swatted. We wait on the LORD, we shall be satisfied.
Do you have evidence for that, Shyanguya? I thought he was Opus Dei. He seems to have quite a following.
F M Shyanguya
@giveusthisday He presented and I read him. Open the link.
- He comes from a Freemasonic family. “Can take a man out of the bush but difficult - without God’s grace - to take the bush out of a man. He may have attended activities at Opus Dei centers but for a pagan, that would be irrelevant. They lie with a straight face. Lying comes naturally to them like their father the Devil.
The Pope himself …More
@giveusthisday He presented and I read him. Open the link.

- He comes from a Freemasonic family. “Can take a man out of the bush but difficult - without God’s grace - to take the bush out of a man. He may have attended activities at Opus Dei centers but for a pagan, that would be irrelevant. They lie with a straight face. Lying comes naturally to them like their father the Devil.

The Pope himself is pagan. Cf A Devotee of the Ancient Mystery Religions, Pope Francis is an Idolater and a Pagan

- Whence came the material for his book “Infiltration”?

- And after writing such an exposé is able to meet the Pope and present him a copy! 😲. It is all a diabolical show for them. Two Dubia Cardinals died waiting.

- Who brought you the Pachamama dunking stunt? And thereafter both carrying out a Coronavirus psyop? Cf I HOPE NOW YOU CAN RECOGNIZE THE FALSE APOSTLES IN SOCIAL MEDIA by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

- No one can buy or sell ... why is Shaq prominently in commercials? Hence Dr’s success and following. They have made him.

Cf Is there any throne yet to be destroyed or usurped? David Kalākaua (1836 – 1891), Worshipful Master and at the same time King.

- Look at the logo/symbol for Timothy Gordon his former partner and sidekick on TnT.

- Isn’t his current trajectory out of the Church? He never really belonged.

- Double life/deception takes a toll. He is fast aging and deteriorating right in front of our eyes.
The closing of College of Saints John Fischer and Thomas Moore. suscipedomine.com/forum/index.php?topic=8606.0
F M Shyanguya
@salliperson 😲Wow! wow!😲
He is a Shill for sure.