Gloria.TV News on the 4th of March 2016 Bitterly Wronged: Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said to the German daily Kölner Stadt Anzeiger, that …More
Gloria.TV News on the 4th of March 2016

Bitterly Wronged: Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said to the German daily Kölner Stadt Anzeiger, that “the vast majority of priests have been bitterly wronged by the generalizations regarding abuse."

Hatred Against the Church: Cardinal Müller added that the word "hush up" is used "far too lightly" with reference to bishops and sexual abuse. Quote: “For me hushing something up means deliberately preventing a recognized criminal offense from being punished." He added: “As we all know, in past decades the state of knowledge regarding sexual abuse was very different from that of today” – not only in the Church.

New Light: Jesuit Father GianPaolo Salvini, for 26 years the editor of "La Civiltà Cattolica" which is published in accord with the Vatican, revealed to Avvenire that Pope Francis has taken complete control over the content of the magazine, much more than his predecessors. This sheds a new light on a November article in “La Civiltà Cattolica” that pushed for allowing adulterers to receive Holy Communion.

Confused: Catholic Herald’s Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith has again shown a confused judgment when it comes to foreign affairs. He writes: “The treatment of atheists in Russia suggests that Pussy Riot might have a point”. Pussy Riot is a bunch of prostitutes hired by anti-Christian activists. Lucie-Smith’s anti-Russian sentiments let him to deplore the fate of a certain Russian atheist Victor Krasnov who was put on trial for offending the sentiments of Orthodox believers. Krasnow insulted the Bible with extremely vulgar and sexually explicit insults. Had he used similar slender against British homosexualists, he would doubtlessly have been condemned.
Bitterly wronged about generalizations? It is not a generalization about the rampant, on-going- child molestation of children by clergy. Even if it is 6% that is too many priests. The Boston Globe uncovered this widespread abuse and cover-up back in the 80s. And there are ongoing reports of it continuing to this day. I know it's a hard pill to swallow for some Catholics that the Church hierarchy …More
Bitterly wronged about generalizations? It is not a generalization about the rampant, on-going- child molestation of children by clergy. Even if it is 6% that is too many priests. The Boston Globe uncovered this widespread abuse and cover-up back in the 80s. And there are ongoing reports of it continuing to this day. I know it's a hard pill to swallow for some Catholics that the Church hierarchy tried to settle many of these cases often to the detriment of bankrupting the diocese. The Church needs to solve this scandal and not have a secular press bring the Spotlight to it.
Uncle Joe
Dear Abramo,
The world needs more sweetness rather than bitterness. An old Italian proverb: Si pigliano più mosche in una gocciola di miele che in un barile d'aceto. Loosely translated - You can catch more flies with a drop of honey than with a barrel of vinegar.
Once you catch the flies maybe you can convert them? Maybe some will become Catholic? Maybe some will enter a nunnery? 👌More
Dear Abramo,

The world needs more sweetness rather than bitterness. An old Italian proverb: Si pigliano più mosche in una gocciola di miele che in un barile d'aceto. Loosely translated - You can catch more flies with a drop of honey than with a barrel of vinegar.


Once you catch the flies maybe you can convert them? Maybe some will become Catholic? Maybe some will enter a nunnery? 👌
@Uncle Joe: The first spiritual work of mercy is to tell the truth (teaching the ignorant).
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Uncle Joe
Pussy Riot is a bunch of prostitutes hired by anti-Christian activists.

Isn't this the Pope's "Year of Mercy"? Must we be so harsh with these poor misguided children. 🤗
Uncle Joe
As we all know, in past decades the state of knowledge regarding sexual abuse was very different from that of today
Let me see if I understand this, Cardinal Müller. Was there a time in “past decades” when sexual abuse of minor children was less serious than it is now? Could you kindly explain in precisely what way was the “knowledge” of sexual abuse “very different” than it is today? 😲
As we all know, in past decades the state of knowledge regarding sexual abuse was very different from that of today
Let me see if I understand this, Cardinal Müller. Was there a time in “past decades” when sexual abuse of minor children was less serious than it is now? Could you kindly explain in precisely what way was the “knowledge” of sexual abuse “very different” than it is today? 😲


Would you disagree with the assertion, Cardinal Müller, that in past years or even now Catholic bishops are told that they did not have to report cases of sexual abuse to the police? 😲
@nastja.nastja: Виктор Краснов (Victor Krasnov)
Viktor Kolosov or Victor Krasnov??