
Francis Reorganises Dicastery for Education: Kissing Expert Promoted

Francis has appointed new members and 42 advisers to the Dicastery for Education on February 18. Catholic education has been in decline since Vatican II. In September 2022, he named the homosexualistMore
Francis has appointed new members and 42 advisers to the Dicastery for Education on February 18.
Catholic education has been in decline since Vatican II. In September 2022, he named the homosexualist Jose Tolentino de Mendonca as prefect of the dicastery.
In second and third place after Tolentino are Father Giovanni Pagazzi and the business lawyer Antonella Sciarrone Alibrandi.
Among the newly appointed members are 15 cardinals and 16 bishops, including Ouellet, Tagle, Ferrer, You Heung-sik, and Francis' ghostwriter and kissing expert, La Plata Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez.
The German homosexualist Franz-Josef Overbeck (aka Essen Bishop) is also among them, as is former Lugano Bishop Valerio Lazzeri, Switzerland, who retired due to burnout.
Notable advisers:
• Franco Anelli, Rector of Sacro Cuore University in Milan, an institution known for brutally eliminating Francis critics (Giuseppe Reguzzoni).
• Micol Forti and Barbara Jatta, two lay people already working for the Vatican. …More
It is wonderful to breed like rabbits and be a plague in in Pope Francis’s narrow minded self centred church. Ave Maria protect and guide us that we may progress your Son’s Church and convert the world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Hound of Heaven
Shuffle the deck, keep the joker's on top. I would not trust Francis as a dealer.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Pope Francis MUST be gay, because he emphasises it so much, approving of homos, appointing homos, nominating homo bishops. The Vatican is dominated by homos, and I am sure nearly all of Francis' bishop appointments are homosexuals as well.