Transvestites: British Prisons Reveal Reality

More than 70% of Britain's transvestite prisoners are in jail for homosexual, paedophile or violent crimes. Government data shows that at least 181 of Britain's 244 transvestite inmates are behind bars …More
More than 70% of Britain's transvestite prisoners are in jail for homosexual, paedophile or violent crimes.
Government data shows that at least 181 of Britain's 244 transvestite inmates are behind bars for crimes including rape, forcing minors to have sex, grievous bodily harm and robbery.
Five men pretending to be 'women' are being held in women's prisons, while 25 women pretending to be 'men' are being held in women's prisons for violent or sexual offences - up from just five a year ago. Apparently, women posing as 'men' are not keen on being transferred to men's prisons.
Former prison governor Rhona Hotchkiss said most male transvestites only "changed their gender" when they came into contact with the criminal justice system.
Picture: © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsDpxezaolgi
Wichita Knight
Meaningless statistic. I would say that 70% of almost any population subgroup is in prison for violent crimes. If they hadn't committed a violent crime they wouldn't be in prison, especially since European countries tend not to imprison non-violent offenderss.
Along with the wholesale slaughter of innocent babies in their own mother’s womb, this vile, unclean, depraved abomination is the scourge of our times. May God have mercy upon us all.