
Cardinal Burke Has Thought About Being Excommunicated

Cardinal Raymond Burke has said to LifeSiteNews.com (April 17) that he has envisioned to be excommunicated by Pope Francis for resisting the [heretical] direction of Amoris Laetitia on communion for adulterers.

But Burke remembered in this context Saint Athanasius who was exiled for defending the orthodox truth of the two natures in the one Divine Person of Our Lord.

Athanasius was exiled at least five times during his life because he fought against the Arian heresy and maintained that Jesus Christ is God.

Pope Liberius - a predecessor of Pope Francis - excommunicated the saint.

Lots of words but never any action. Cardinal Burke is NO Athanasius and never will be.
He suffers with the burden God has placed on his shoulders, or the humiliations and approbium he receives from his brothers in the episcopat
Novus Ordo Watch replied to Cardinal Burke:
«Cardinal Raymond Burke discusses excommunication: www.lifesitenews.com/news/cardinal-burke-… We encourage him to review Denz. 1441-1442. twitter.com/…/986309536213553…
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
This needs to be clarified because those who lead the false resistance say that we must resist Bergoglio and at the same time recognize him as a pope this is a heresy.
It was not Pope Liberius, but the pseudo-bishop Ischyras, who, before usurping the see of Alexandria, expelled St. Athanasius from his seat.
Pope Pius VI, Charitas, # 14, April 13, 1791:
"Perhaps in the recognition of these actions,…More
This needs to be clarified because those who lead the false resistance say that we must resist Bergoglio and at the same time recognize him as a pope this is a heresy.
It was not Pope Liberius, but the pseudo-bishop Ischyras, who, before usurping the see of Alexandria, expelled St. Athanasius from his seat.

Pope Pius VI, Charitas, # 14, April 13, 1791:
"Perhaps in the recognition of these actions, the bishop of Lidda, Jean Joseph Gobel, was elected archbishop of Paris, while the archbishop was still alive. He is following the example of Ischyras, who was proclaimed bishop of Alexandria at the Council of Tire as payment for his sinful work of accusing St. Athanasius and expelling him from his seat "
Pope Pius IX, Quartus supra, # 16, January 6, 1873, on the false accusations against Pope Liberio:
"And previously the Arians falsely accused Liberius, our predecessor, the Emperor Constantine, because Liberius refused to condemn St. Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, and refused to support them in his heresy"

Pope Benedict XV, Principi apostolorum Petro, n. 3, 5 October 1920:
"In fact, in order not to be found infidels in their mission, some were fearless of exile, like Liberio, Silverio and Martino"
adeste fideles
Debemos comentar en español en esta página de lengua inglesa, porque es.news en nuestro idioma tiene cerrada la posibilidad de comentar.. 🙂
adeste fideles
Su Santidad el Papa Benedicto XVI no lo excomulgaría... Dios lo bendiga Cardenal Burke, Jesucristo está con usted, amén.
Joseph a' Christian
You and me both. Excommunicated by a demon, and his legion of homos- so be it.
Every Word of our beautiful Jesus, is True, is Life.
I love Thee my Lord- Josef a repeat sinner.More
You and me both. Excommunicated by a demon, and his legion of homos- so be it.

Every Word of our beautiful Jesus, is True, is Life.
I love Thee my Lord- Josef a repeat sinner.
its never too late ,you never know
Perfect opportunity to provide Francis with real charity by resisting his errors and defending Christ who is head of His Church. Don't miss the opportunity! All it takes is one courageous man.
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Cardinal Burke Has Thought About Being Excommunicated