
Interview of bishop Vigano

CFN: In your June 28 statement, you distinguish the “conciliar church” from the Catholic Church in such a way that you assert there are, “Two Churches, certainly,” whereas in the past (here) you have …More
CFN: In your June 28 statement, you distinguish the “conciliar church” from the Catholic Church in such a way that you assert there are, “Two Churches, certainly,” whereas in the past (here) you have affirmed: “Obviously, there are not two Churches, something that would be impossible, blasphemous, and heretical.” Thus, it seems your position has changed. Do you now hold that the “conciliar church” is completely separate from the Catholic Church, rather than a subversive sect that exists within the true Church?
Abp. Viganò: My position has not changed: there is only one true Church, and that is the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church. But there are in fact two superimposed realities, so to speak, one of which is the true Church, precisely; and the other is the false church, the deep church. If you pay attention, in my statement J’accuse I expressly wrote “two churches” with a lowercase initial, to underline the anomaly of this coexistence.
CFN: What is new in this sect compared to others …More
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