Campaign blames fearmongering blitz for mental health pandemic. Citizens objecting to Britain's COVID-19 psychological warfare have launched a counter-advertising campaign seeking to defuse the …More
Campaign blames fearmongering blitz for mental health pandemic.
Citizens objecting to Britain's COVID-19 psychological warfare have launched a counter-advertising campaign seeking to defuse the government's "dirty bomb" of "ensuring obedience through fear."
The government's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) behavioral scientists have strayed into "seriously unethical practice" by "actively stoking" fear and creating a "mental health pandemic," the counter-fear Recovery campaign notes.
Recovery campaign van circles the BBC offices
"The biggest campaign of fear that the world has ever seen" has been "at its worst in the United Kingdom, where SAGE and the government took a conscious decision to use fear to ensure that people comply with restrictions," Recovery emphasizes in its "End the Campaign of Fear" drive.
Recovery cites statistics from Britain's Center for Mental Health explaining how 20% of adults (8.5 million) and 15% of children (1.5 million) in England alone will …More