Democracy. Democracy is not, and never will be, Catholic.More

Democracy is not, and never will be, Catholic.
aderito Perfectly just yes. However, in the monarchy, while King Louis XVI ruled in France, the French revolution armies stormed the Bastille in July 14, 1789 and must felt disappointed discovering 7 people, 4 forgers, 2 mad men and 1 pedophile. Under the Democratic system there are many more people imprisoned in the US and democratic countries. Even though, monarchy remains to many incomprehensible …More
aderito Perfectly just yes. However, in the monarchy, while King Louis XVI ruled in France, the French revolution armies stormed the Bastille in July 14, 1789 and must felt disappointed discovering 7 people, 4 forgers, 2 mad men and 1 pedophile. Under the Democratic system there are many more people imprisoned in the US and democratic countries. Even though, monarchy remains to many incomprehensible and practically impossible to realize in the existing political order the number of Catholics who find it of great value and undertake actions to make political systems more monarchical steadily grow in number. The order in Monarchy on earth exemplifies Hierarchy in heaven. Viva Cristo Rey!
I agree ,but only Jesus Christ can form a just kingdom and rule over man
Political autonomy of men advocated in liberal democracy is an illusion, men must rely on God. St. Thomas Aquinas advocates the rule of one man, just monarchy, as "the best" regime and "to be preferred." Just monarchy is natural for spread and the universal extent of the kingdom of Christ.